After yesterday’s losses, the Zurich-based FDP the government and a member of the Parliament elections criticism over the course of the mother party. “It was strategically a big mistake, to go in the middle of the election campaign on the Terrain of the enemy,” says Alain Schwald, President of the FDP in the district of Affoltern. Also, Nicolas A. Rimoldi, Vice-President of the Young liberals in Lucerne, protests: “We pay a high price for the slalom course of the FDP-to-peak,” he writes on Twitter. “Last alarm bell: Please return to the liberal values!”
The two free-thinking play on the course adjustments in the climate policy, the FDP-President Petra Gössi in the middle of February was announced with a broad survey of the base. “The FDP has also contributed to the climate to the Hype”, criticized Schwald. It was foreseeable that the green forces would benefit. “We can’t have the green liberals will have to copy and seriously the feel of the GLP in the water.”
So critical and at the same time, notably quotable only a few Express themselves in the free sense currently to the question, what are the consequences of it for the liberals in national elections in the fall could have been, if the party is plowing the field of climate policy. Other put their concerns behind closed doors: The fire was dangerous to the climate change debate to engage in as you of the green forces in a populist manner will heats up, says FDP national councillor. The FDP reinforcing the message that it was a pressing Problem, without the use of the FDP itself. In the case of climate and environmental issues always win the Original.
may be the importance of the so-called Framing, a researcher Elisabeth Wehling 2017 language shown in connection with the notion of Fake News. It is a success of the right-wing populist side, if the media repeat the notion of Fake News and on the debate would engage, how trustworthy and reliable you are, said Wehling. “So you have to buy in to the mental attack of the opposite side, and propagate this Frame.” Those who do, have already lost.
party line holds on the basis of survey fixed
The validity of the criticism notwithstanding, the FDP party leadership wants to your work schedule. On Thursday you will present to the media the question catalogue for the climate policy, you want to feel your members the pulse. From the answers, you will develop a position paper on the 22. June will be presenting to the delegates.
FDP-communication-in-chief Martin Stucki is convinced that the FDP will not harm the discussion about their own climate policy. “We have to the announcement, a member survey, many positive reactions.” There is a great need to sharpen the attitude to the environment – and climate policy, and to back stronger in the foreground was in the free sense.
This view seems to be also in the FDP-the Federal house group predominates, such as discussions with members of Parliament. “It is right that we are doing this survey now,” says national Council member Hans-Ulrich Bigler. There was a need to fill the topic, so show how a grippy climate policy look like, with a liberal approach – that is, with personal responsibility and as little government intervention as necessary. “We will be able to in the elections in the autumn.”
the national Council, Peter Schilliger speaks of a “good way”. The basis of survey he sees as a step to be presented to the peer of the debate around climate policy, “re-verse”. Also in the field of climate policy there is a need for socially responsible solutions, i.e. laws, without bans, and before the mouth could. He added, the FDP, show it, could you also with the climate issue points.
Already there are in the FDP exponent, the climate policy of the election campaign, such as Damian Miller. Under the title “responsibility for the environmental policy 2.0” has written to the Council of States last week, a blog post, in which he regrets that self-responsibility was not sufficient, unfortunately. “That is exactly why we have to demand each Individual self-responsibility”, folgter. “Consequently this means nothing else than that the conditions, restrictions, funding instruments and tax incentives are certainly part of a liberal policy. Then, when it comes to promptly and effectively set and to the part of statutory objectives.”
Why not in the case of energy strategy?
But there are in the group, also more critical voices. The national Council Hans-Peter Portmann recalls that the CO2-law is coming before the elections in the Council of States. “So, we need to relate to one way or the other.” The FDP is in a difficult Rank, does not deny the port man. In fact, the question of whether the party could move away from certain principles, without losing sight of the bottom line voters.
It would have been, so port Mann sums it up in retrospect, makes more sense for the base survey in the framework of the energy strategy 2050. At the time of the free mind had been divided. “So the liberals would have their energy and climate adjust policy as needed, and would be a solid start in the debate about the CO2-law.”
expert prized position as tricky
Similar to the Zurich FDP-politician Alain Schwald comment: The member survey was in terms of content, quite correctly, but not at the present time. Thus, the FDP contribute themselves to keep a topic at the top of the Agenda, “we are not voters can win”.
as far as Schwald of the Bern political scientist Marc Bühlmann in his analysis. He evaluated the situation for the FDP, but as tricky: “she is not Doing anything, they will ignore you and try to maintain the climate policy and, therefore, an important issue.” Take something like now with the basic survey, there is the risk that you have a theme of farming, in particular, those parties with “green” in their name would benefit. (Editorial Tamedia)
Created: 25.03.2019, 17:18 PM