“We should be worried about radicalised ”brats””
“They are the sons of a kryddbaron, wears designer clothes, has privatchaufförer –and may be behind one of the worst terrorist attacks ever.”
“There is a notion that terrorists are recruited from the vulnerable suburbs.”
“But the attacks on the Sri Lanka reminds us of the threat from the radicalised little rich girl.”
“last Sunday, did the police search the snow-white trevåningsvillan with the barbed-wire fence and columns outside the Sri Lankan capital of Colombo. Home for the muslim överklassfamilj that has been in the centre for the investigation of the appalling acts of terrorism. “
“Two of the sons, Ilham and Imsath, according to the sources of CNN and the New York Times suspected of being the suicide bombers among other things, blew up people in the air at the breakfast buffet at the hotel Shangri-La.”
“Father, Mohammad Yusuf Ibrahim, one of the country’s most well-known kryddmiljardärer who made a fortune from exporting the sweet vanilla and nutmeg, also sits on the police for questioning, reported by many international media. “
“It is a scandal with links to the Sri Lankan political elite; the father has for example been awarded with the president’s finest award for its businessframgångar. “
“in Short, they seem to have lived a life of security, with brilliant prospects for the future. Unlike many of the children in the Sri Lankan countryside, whose reality is characterized by poverty, malnutrition and illiteracy. “
“But it is ”bratsen”, rather than the poorest, as radical, is nothing new. “
“on the Contrary, are the top names in the world’s most brutal terrorist organisations often just from the affluent bourgeoisie. “
“Osama bin Laden, 9u002F11-flygplanskaparen Mohammed Atta, the Al-Qaida leader Anwar al-Awlaki, or Breivik have all grown up in överklassmiljöer with rich parents who are lawyers, surgeons, or foreign MINISTRY officials. Also research shows that it is not, as many believe, primarily concerned about the lost förortsungdomar as hjärntvättas in shabby källarmoskéer as a result of failed integration and ”parallellsamhällen”. “
“But just as often, if not more, about the young men who offered fine privatskoleutbildningar, livstidsförsörjning, a smorgasbord of possibilities. “
“And then they pick – death and terror. “
“So it seems to also be with the terrorists of Sri Lanka which killed over 350 people and injured at least 500. They were not schooled in the ancient korantolkningar, but in the liberal western elite universities. According to the country’s defense minister arrived, the majority from medium – or överklassfamiljer. “
“Maybe there’s a twisted logic in this. Terrorism is not a profitable business. The herons no financial reward in the form of a fat salary or bonus for the that he harrow the valleys in the ICE terrorceller. On the contrary, it is a plus to have it well-to-do away from home.”
“Whether the two miljardärsönerna from Sri Lanka funded the years of planning that must have been required before the påskmassakern against christians and tourists, remains to be seen. “
“Both the Interpol, the FBI and the british Scotland Yard to assist the local police in the investigation. Hopefully, you can also find out why nothing was done about the warnings from, for example, indian security services, who apparently had both the names, addresses and telephone numbers of suspects. Already have the Sri Lankan minister for defence and the chief of police got fired, and politicians indicated that there may be corruption. “
“It would be in all cases worrying – not only for Sri Lanka – about the potentially deadly terrorists goes under the radar because of its position in the higher walks of life. “