“”We want to make good of the labour law shall not trap an S-government””

“Stefan Löfven strikes back against the V leader Jonas Sjöstedt”

“Jonas Sjöstedt, has threatened to trap Stefan Löfvens government – if it goes ahead with the proposal on the amended labour law and the market rents.”

“Now hit Video: back to V-leader.”

“If you think you want to do good for the labour law, you probably shouldn’t trap an S-led government,” he says in the P4 Extra.”

“On Monday, Löfven present his new government.”

“On Monday, prime minister Stefan Löfven (S) presenting his new government with ministers from the social democrats and the green Party. “

“the Government is going to build in a budgetary cooperation with the Centre party and the Liberals and the 73-point action program the parties agreed.”

“the Left party threatened before the vote to say no to the Leaves. But after several phone calls between Löfven and Jonas Sjöstedt chose V to drop, until the Leaves.”

“– But we do it with a misstroendelöfte, ” said Sjöstedt.”

“V threatens, therefore, to trap the government if it goes ahead with a proposal that includes market rents and changes to labour laws.”

“In an interview in P4 Extra beats, however, Stefan Löfven back and think that it is valid for V to think.”

“If you think you want to do good for the labour law, you probably shouldn’t trap an S-led government and let a right-wing government taking over, then hands something to do with labour law as neither the Eu or any in the V want,” he said in the radio interview.”

“That he by the agreement are taking a big risk, in regards to the enrage their vänsterväljare and LO-groups, responding to the Video: he ”had been able to choose the easy way” and let someone else reign.”

“– But it is not the one that is the social Democrats ‘ hallmark. We take responsibility for Sweden, and the option had been so much worse. “

“he’s going To get criticism mean Löfven that he is accustomed to and prepared for.”

“– We’ll take it also.”

“On Monday at 11, Stefan Löfven read out his government declaration and announce their new ministers.”

“According to Aftonbladet’s sources, packs ministers and officials in the government offices right now together their things and preparing to possibly change jobs. When The ministers thanked the officials for the past few years was missing Sven-Erik Bucht (S). He greeted instead via video link from Vietnam, where he is on vacation.”

“Löfvens new government is not expected to be so different to the one that has been. Any of the ministers is believed to obtain new portfolios, some new names are expected.n ”

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