The SPD wants to overcome the unemployment and social assistance and Hartz IV, thus the “Agenda 2010” of their former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder in the Central points. The approximately 600 delegates at the SPD party Congress decided on Saturday in Berlin unanimously the concept of a “new welfare state”. Sanctions for Hartz IV recipients should be significantly mitigated. In the case of the election of the Executive Board of the Congress granted prominent representatives of a damper.

According to the by the delegates with a long round of applause cheered the decision, there should be no Hartz IV, but a citizen of money with less Sanctions. In a first step, a judgment of the Federal constitutional court is not intended to be implemented from November, according to the the job centre are allowed to the monthly benefits by more than 30 percent cut.

The “socio-economic and socio-cultural existence minimum” is intended to remain after the new welfare state concept is preserved. Stricter sanctions for the under-25-Year-old and cuts of residential costs are to be abolished.

Unconstitutional deductions

“We want to make Hartz IV behind us,” said the Rhineland-Palatinate Minister-President Malu Dreyer. With your concept of the party wants to say goodbye to a piece of far from things of the past. “We want to recognize life’s achievements,” said Dreyer. “We don’t want people to be supplicants to.” Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil recalled that the SPD had begun under her previous Boss, Andrea Nahles, the work on the new social course: “This is your legacy.”

After the Karlsruhe judgment of 5. November month-long reductions up to 60 percent of the Hartz-IV benefits or is more with the Constitution are incompatible. The DPA news Agency said salvation: “This is an opportunity to make the coalition the entire System more citizen-friendly and to reform.” According to the Federal Agency for work sanctions affect about eight percent of Hartz IV recipients.

With the demand for unemployment benefits Q the SPD draws on an idea from the year 2017, with the then Chancellor candidate, Martin Schulz, the election campaign had made: In the case of a training measure, unemployment benefits may be extended, the SPD calls for a maximum of 36 months. Today, a claim for 24 months total of unemployment benefits from the age of 58 years. Unemployed to give to the SPD in other cases, longer unemployment benefits.

in Addition, shall be anchored according to the SPD, in the future, a law on mobile Work and home office by law. The minimum wage is a perspective view of be 12 Euro raised. Furthermore, there should be an independent children’s basic welfare, a citizens ‘ insurance in the care and a stable pension level.

defeats in elections to the Supervisory Board

At the Board of elections, former party Vice Ralf Stegner and Berlin’s mayor Michael Müller suffered a defeat. Both fell in the first round and not entered then.

foreign Minister Heiko Maas failed in the first ballot, but was elected in the second ballot is clear. Also Minister for the family, Franziska Giffey, environment Minister, Svenja Schulze, Brandenburg’s Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke, interior Minister of lower Saxony Boris Pistorius, and the Saxon SPD chief Martin were Dulig chosen. Not in the body of the Foreign state Minister and Deputy Niels managed to get the better of them.

for the First time a Duo at the top

Previously, the new party bosses esque and Walter had been elected-Borjans, with large majorities. A Duo for the first time in the history of the SPD at the head of the social Democrats.

The approximately 600 delegates had decided, by a Two-thirds majority for a Statute amendment that allows for a double-top with a woman and a man. Accordingly, it is intended to give a or a President, or any two equal-Chairman, of a woman.

Secretary-General Lars Klingbeil had strongly argued that it is normal, that men and women on an equal footing led the party. Thereafter, esque and Walter-Borjans, wanted to set the delegates for the election. They had won a membership decision of the SPD, but they still need to be elected by the party Congress.

The outgoing party boss, Malu Dreyer, was recruited for the opening of the party rally to show Unity. At the same time, she stressed the successes of the SPD in the Grand coalition. She was “mighty proud”. Especially the Vice-Chancellor and Finance Minister, Olaf Scholz, was for the success of the SPD responsible.

In the election of the Deputy party Chairman of the social Democrats prevented a vote. Expected, first, that the delegates between the head of the young socialists, Kevin Kühnert, and the Minister of labour Hubertus Heil as one of three alternates to decide. Now, there are five alternates. This paved the way for Kühnert and healing has been cleared, and a Central conflict of the Convention out of the way.

the SPD is to remain in the Grand coalition

Also on Friday, the party Decided about the whereabouts of the so-called Grand coalition. The SPD remains in the coalition, but wants to speak with the Union about a new emphasis in the government work. Subsequently, the party’s Executive to decide whether these topics are in the coalition government to implement, decided by the SPD party Congress on Friday in Berlin.

the delegates followed a few had worked against votes for a previously laboriously negotiated the proposal of the party Executive, where the new party bosses.

Neither of the whereabouts of a coalition nor the outlet is a “purpose”, as stated in the application. What is crucial is the content to be. Among other things, the SPD requires that the minimum wage of currently 9,19 euros will be raised to 12 Euro – not immediately, but “in perspective”. In addition, the SPD wants to enforce that the 2021 planned price for the greenhouse gas is increased carbon dioxide.

The social Democrats also demand more public investment in education, transport, communication networks and climate protection. The application is called an estimate of 450 billion euros over the next ten years. This investment should not fail to “dogmatic positions such as schäuble’s black Zero” is meant that the Federal government should if necessary also make a new debt.

esque criticized the Grand coalition

especially esque was previously gone in the struggle for the party chairmanship in sharp distance to the unloved Grand coalition – the coalition government between the conservative CDU/CSU and the SPD.

Walter-Borjans, formulated always a little more cautious and wants to check on the basis of factual issues as to whether the government could Alliance be continued. This is now the core statement of the Leitantrages for the Congress, which should be decided on Friday evening. The Grand coalition is no longer exit in the Text of the speech, which caused the party left for irritation.

Currently, both of the Duo partners in four thematic fields in the foreground: A multi-billion dollar investment program, more ambition in climate protection for example by a higher CO2-price, design of the digitisation and the future of work with a minimum wage of twelve dollars. About Walter to talk to-Borjans, and esque now, with the CDU and the CSU. (sda)

Created: 07.12.2019, at 19:29