electricity prices in Norway have doubled in the last year and take a good inroads into the economy to most of us.

the Prices that have created strong reactions in the last few weeks is, however, only the beginning, shall we believe investor Øystein Stray Spetalen.

– This is only the start. We get a european power prices. All we have of the devise in Norway you have to stay on that we get the same rates as the continent. The only one who realized this and Acer was Bjørnar Moxnes of the Reds. He realized the whole thing, ” says investor Øystein Stray Spetalen to the Newspaper.

power prices may increase 5 000 Points on the CO₂-quotas

today, Norway is linked to the european power grid via cables to Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands. It means that european electricity prices “bleed” over to the Norwegian, by the Norwegian hydroelectric power finds its way to the continent – and european overskuddskraft can make sure that the price in Norway is cheaper.

– the Level of electricity prices has for a long time been determined by the prices of coal and gas, ” said acting water resources and energidirektør Anne Britt Leifseth to the DN yesterday, and pointed out that the price of the CO₂ quotas in Europe and are important for the electricity prices in Norway.

In 2020 comes kraftkabelen Nordlink in operation which will link Norway to Germany and after a year associated with Norway to the Uk with even a power cable. On top of this, Norway decided last year to tie themselves to the Eu energy agency Acer, which will make the Uk even more closely linked to the european electricity market.

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NVE have counted on effect and mean the Norwegian electricity prices will increase by 2-3 cents in 2030 as a result of the cables, and that they are socio-economically profitable. But the analysis are subject to precisely CO₂ prices.

the Kinect Energy Group has compared european electricity prices since the turn of the century and Norway have had the lowest energy prices in Europe over the last 18 years.

In the Uk is the price almost 50 per cent higher, while the Netherlands and Germany are respectively 30 and 10 per cent of Norwegian prices.

the CHEAPEST IN EUROPE: the Kinect has compiled a european electricity prices from 2000 to 2018. Norway has the cheapest electricity in Europe – than for so long. Graphics: Energy Norway Show more – Looting

Spetalen and Red-leader Bjørnar Moxnes is the heart’s agree that we only have seen the beginning of the future electricity prices.

Although Moxnes experience compliments from Spetalen as something unfamiliar.

– I thank you for komplimenten. It is a bit strange to agree in so many points with a guy who has a antisosialistisk wax museum, but he has revealed though the basics: The new kraftkablene to the continent will import european electricity prices. The more eksportkabler we build, the more expensive the power will be, ” says Moxnes to the Newspaper.

Agreement between Moxnes and Spetalen is so great, that it can be difficult to understand who is speaking.

– This is a new looting of the Norwegian middle class. A new pillage of those who “stands up for the morning” in Norway. Those that make the common tasks in the nation. In school, in health care, in industry. They are raided every day by the elite.

” Says Spetalen of the Norwegian electricity prices and how it’s going to be in the future. Red-Moxnes suggested this week that those who receive state bostøtte should get an extra helping hand in connection with the high electricity prices, but this is not a permanent solution.

Scared for the industry

on The horizon, look both Moxnes and Spetalen that the Norwegian power-intensive industry, the very backbone along the coast, can be harmed.

With Acer, we will lose control over large parts of the kraftpolitikken and thus industripolitikken. In the worst case, we may be imposed upon the new power cables of the EU. When we talk about the fact that the price will be driven even more in the weather. It is good Spetalen will agree with us that this is a threat to Norwegian industry and the citizens who are struggling with the electric bill.

get power-intensive industries lower electricity prices in Norway. We may lose this opportunity in the future?

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– Yes, and it is a historical mistake, because it is about the future of the Norwegian industry, ” says Moxnes.

– of Course, it comes. The whole of the EU is to protect French and German industry, ” says Spetalen.

Where Spetalen and Moxnes separates the teams, in the view of climate change.

Some parties go in for this because of the climate. The climate, the stuff there, I am just in a bad mood, ” says Spetalen, who wants Norway to keep its competitive advantage of cheap power and not become Europe’s “green battery”.

Moxnes agree with Spetalen in that Norway should not become other country’s battery, but the reason is just that Norway refines the metals and minerals in an environmentally friendly way when it is done on hydro-electric power.

Warns against rebellion

Spetalen warns, finally, that the proletariat can rise.

– About a couple of years come the middle class – those who do the most important tasks each day – to feel cheated roll around. Those who were on the job and was conscientious are left with the bill. It is going to lead to a samfunnsomveltning.

most electric utilities are still state or municipally owned. Do not lead the companies ‘ profits to the lower taxes?

– no, No. It is simply a new taxation of the common people. He who pays 20 000 more in electricity in a year, he does not see any of this money, ” says Spetalen. And getting support from the Red-head Moxnes.

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