an hour and a half summed up the Donald Trump the year that has gone and told on the way forward during the annual speech about the kingdom’s condition on the night of Wednesday.
As expected he referred to Mexico-the wall, North Korea-the friendship and the Russian federation.
Mexico-the wall
Trump says that both Democrats and Republicans must work together to confront a “hastende national crisis”.
Congress has ten days left to agree on a budsjettavtale which will fund government, protect our homeland and secure the border.
Trump administration’s proposal to Congress includes humanitarian assistance, more police forces, narcotics detectors at the border, the closure of loopholes that allow for the trafficking of children and the plans for a wall that will secure the border, ” says Trump.
In the past have several in this room voted for a wall, but a real wall was never built. I will get it built!
Criticized before the speech Meet Kim Jong-un
Furthermore, praises his work with the diplomatic cooperation on Koreahalvøya.
Our hostages have come home, the testing of nuclear weapons has stopped and it has not been fired a missile at 15 months, “says Trump, and follow-up:
If I had not been elected president, we would have been in a gigantic war with North Korea right now, with potentially millions of people killed,” he says and informs that he will meet Kim Jong-un the 27 or 28 February in Vietnam.
Last week, U.s. secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, that the country has withdrawn from the INF treaty.
the Agreement is a so-called nedrustningsavtale, which was signed by Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and U.s. president Ronald Reagan in 1987.
the Agreement prohibits the two parties to acquire mellomdistanseraketter with nuclear weapons.
My administration will never apologize for putting America’s interests first.
– For example, made the united STATES an agreement with Russia for decades ago, who went out to nedruste our missilmuligheter. While we followed the agreement to the letter, Russia has allegedly violated it, ” says Trump and tells that it is the reason why the united STATES withdrew from the agreement.
Langet out during the meeting before the speech