About 70 German IS-fighters sit in Kurdish prisons. The risk of Re-radicalisation is on the rise. In fact, Germany would have to take you back. But interior Minister Seehofer told the report: Every case has to be examined.

A Video of Luke in the Internet is Gabi Williams from Dortmund is the proof: her grandson is still alive. In the meantime, he is just 24 years old, wearing a long Beard and is apparently in a Kurdish prison in Northern Syria – like many European the IS-trailer. In the Video, Luke tells the story of his life: that he had already decided as a teenager to the Muslim Faith, and after his Abitur in the IS-field is drawn.

Williams has pulled her grandson for the first ten years. The relationship is so, as if he were her own son. How close is the relationship of the two is also reflected in the fact that Luke kept unlike many of the other IS pendant to a few months ago a contact to Germany.

A photo of grandson Luke with his child, he sent to his mother via WhatsApp.

By WhatsApp written by Luke, his grandma, as he and his wife were at the time, an apartment and two kids got. Where he has the apartment? Not know his grandmother until today. Also of warlike actions he had never told anything. However, from a book store, he opened and then had to close, because he had failed to respect the rules of the “Caliphate”. Also Luke didn’t want to the “Caliphate” leave – without success.

No contact with grandchildren in captivity

Since he was in the Kurdish captivity, Williams no more contact to their grandchildren. As much as you love him: Luke needs to be held accountable for what had he to answer for, she says strictly. The same is true for his wife, who is believed to be housed together with the two children in a prison camp in Northern Syria. But, asks Williams, if you had not, as a German citizen the right to come in Germany to court? And the children are really innocent. At least these two, the state should get out from Syria. Williams fights back tears.

Gabi Williams wants her grandson for what he has done, and will be held accountable.

Devastating conditions in jails

or So it goes most of the family members of the roughly 60 to 70 men and women with German nationality, currently in the Kurdish institutions. The men are often housed in single cells, says Claudia Dantschke, an expert on De-radicalisation in the organization “Hayat”. The women and children, however, are stored in huge caught. It is the camp Roj, Ayn Issa, and al-Hol in the North of Syria.

the States are to devastating, is known. The sanitary conditions were “extremely bad,” says Dantschke. In all three Camps there are “Hardcore IS women who put pressure on other women who wanted to distance themselves from the IS”.