spotlights, TV Equipment, barrier tape, money Transporter: On the Limmatquai runs this Monday morning not only in the city hall a (Budget)crime, but also on the other side of the road. The Zunfthaus zur Saffran is obviously a crime scene . Or at least a Film location. As it is rotated for the first Züri-“the scene of the crime” that comes in the autumn 2020 TV – and in contrast to the Lucerne issue with the new Commissioner of the interior Duo of Anna Pieri Zuercher and Carol Schuler hopefully, the German audience will delight.

you Go to a water corpse in the Limmat? Murder in the Zünfter Milieu? What is a money Transporter? Also, the little camera-shy Director of Security Mario Fehr (SP) plays a role? Or Kapo-the commander of Thomas Würgler that showed up in the afternoon with Fehr on the set? Everything is top secret.

it is Uncertain whether the city President of the Corine Mauch (SP) gets a role. Certainly, however, a different appearance from her: Mauch is used as Initiator for the foreigners the view of the city Council voting rights represented in the cantonal Parliament: The special permit they received with 107 of 155 votes.

New: the inventor of a measuring instrument

In the spotlight booth on Friday evening the Director of planning Martin Neukom (Green). For his work on “Comprehensive Characterization and Modelling of the Operation Mechanisms in Third Generation Solar Cells” had he obtained the doctorate in natural Sciences, which was celebrated with 70 guests in Winterthur. In the work’s material research: New the physics of solar has described cells mathematically and a measuring instrument invented.

From the hour-long lecture of the newly anointed Dr. rer. nat Neukom has understood the green group head of Esther Guyer “no more than half,” she says. As a politician, she has captured the essence of the message: “In terms of solar energy, much more is still possible.” Specifically, the thesis is that Neukom has written a part as a member of the cantonal government. Shortly after the surprising choice at the end of March, he has started writing “like a madman”, he says. “It’s now or never” was the Motto.

at the same time, he read – well – as-bed reading-in the dossier, the big building Department, starting in may, he was a member of the government. The summer holidays, he had to sacrifice, Neukom gave his Text in August. The defence of the work at the University of Augsburg, he moved in the autumn holidays. That Neukom has celebrated so much that he was missing today, Monday, in the cantonal Parliament, of course, is just a nasty rumor. But it is certain that the flu-sick – “in spite of vaccination,” he stressed, looking forward to the first holiday for a year.

pioneer Silvia Steiner

Neukom is the second “Dr.” in the current government, but not the first one who has written the Dissertation “on the job”. Education Director – Silvia Steiner (CVP) through ploughed as a former full-time Head of the police train in the evening, police data, and dragged to the Saturdays Migros bags full of books between your home and the Central library back and forth to finish their work, entitled “Domestic violence, manifestations, extent, and police management strategies in the city of Zurich, 1999-2001”.

Steiner was a pioneer, who later took in all of the police corps of Switzerland input. At that time there was no protection from violence act, which was collection of data on domestic violence are poor. Over 900 cases of about 700 (mostly male) perpetrators of their time as police Chief of the city police of Zurich Steiner has analysed and the knowledge gained that can be defined on the basis of data from police a half-dozen risk factors such as possession of weapons or drugs, reports of abuse. And if police on the way to a use of the Central office accordingly instructed, you can do the adequately. It is the use of keyword was introduced in “domestic violence”. This replaced the old term “male violence”, the enjoyed when the male police officers with little acceptance.

The result of Steiner’s Diss is today the common property, namely that the police be worthwhile bets because of domestic violence: “A big part of the perpetrator’s intervention sensitive”, has Steiner found out. Otherwise, Two out of three fall no more on the words later, because the journey in the box car and the interrogation made in the police impression. “Identify instead of teach” was a paradigm shift, the circles in the police and even the Nickname “model Steiner” received. Previously, the (mostly female) victims had been brought to the woman’s house, while the men remained in the apartment. The lawyer Silvia Steiner is not now, however, Dr. iur., but Dr. crim. At the time, one could not conclude criminology in Zurich, still in the main compartment, which is why Steiner earned a doctorate in Lausanne with Professor Martin Killias.

Jacqueline Fehr: Master, despite the dual mandate

Strictly, it also had Jacqueline Fehr (SP), which has not made the “Tokter”, but the Executive Master of Public Administration (MPA) at the University of Bern. She was elected in the spring of 2015 in the government and worked as the Director of Justice. Your 60-page thesis you wrote in the summer holidays, studying for the exam, which she completed in October – and all this in the dual mandate, because Fehr to the Annoyance of lists-a replacement woman Julia Gerber Rüegg until the end of term in December remained in the national Council. Fehrs Master thesis on crisis communication.

Also don’t disser Mario Fehr has completed, audited, be Jus-graduate “summa cum laude”. No “Dr.” has a lawyer, Carmen Walker Späh (FDP). The Director of public economy, however, has mastered the even higher hurdle, part-time. The patent attorney is Walker Späh, while she was employed 100 percent of the construction appeals court and then as a Deputy Amtsleiterin the Winterthur building.

Created: 09.12.2019, 18:28 PM