A real law that comes too late: parents in France are not allowed to beat your children. This is a private matter, to find many French people. A mistake that is detrimental to adolescents, as well as the society.

comment by Nadia Pantel, Paris Nadia Pantel

Nadia Pantel was born in Hamburg and studied in the South, in the East and still further East, history and literature. She is working since October 2012 in the süddeutsche Zeitung, for 2018 as a correspondent in Paris.

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France’s deputies have finally decided: Since Thursday night, the right of children to an upbringing free from violence is written. Opponents call the amendment as useless, because spanking parents threaten no penalties. However, this Change in the French civil law is important. Because it makes it clear that a slap or a spanking are no private education decisions, but a humiliation, and injury to the child.

The extreme right-wing politician Emmanuelle Menard was the only member of the national Assembly against the law, because it is children would lead, against their parents, rebel. You may wish to have children that are beaten by their parents, only that you have to find the courage and strength to rebel against these parents. But the Bad thing about violence against their children is that it usually takes years, almost a life, to the delimitation of the tormentors succeed. After all, children love their parents unconditionally, they need you.


Astrid Lindgrens great provocation

40 years Ago, the Swedish writer was speaking against the Beating of children. What was regarded as an Affront, is a matter of course today. Or is it not? Guest post by Christian Pfeiffer

The single vote against shows that there is also in France, hardly anybody beats thinks is a successful method of education. But where did the 70 percent of the French, who were against the new law come in then? In the debates, in Newspapers, forums and TV shows, the decision of the national Assembly in advance, and was felt first and foremost one thing: uncertainty. Only a few professional provocateurs profiled to claim that a slap in the face would not harm a child. The large majority of level-headed voices it was to understand how reasonable children can look of Hepsibahis education today and how it needs to change. And the extent to which the state has a voice. It was a right debate at the wrong time.

Wrong, the debate at this time is because there is to argue, in the case of corporal punishment, nothing. A child who is kept with violence or words small, will be humiliated and belittled, not feels only anger, helplessness, and pain. It also learns nothing that could help him later in life.

“listen to you!” – A word of advice to parents that is not right

But really the debate because it makes sense, if parents and Non-parents to publicly argue about, and think about how you children to the world prepare want. In online forums, mothers and fathers are often given advice: listen only to you, nobody knows your child as well as you. This advice is not true. Parents need to get to know your child. Finally, parents is so challenging, because you live with a tiny Person with a huge desire, which is developing so rapidly, as you have not done it myself since decades.

It is good, if parents are accompanied in this beautiful madness of Doctors, educators, friends, Relatives, and other parents. And not just by telling them Everything is great, so how you do it. But also, by giving advice. The most authorative Form of the advice of the state ban. The gut feeling of parents is not always right, therefore it needs higher instances, which protect the child. It helps children if, not only mother and father interested in that, what you just need. But if the whole society makes about how it treats its smallest members.

A society, the dispute about the education of children, believe in yourself

parents often tell anecdotes annoyed, which is about how old people say in the S-Bahn that the Baby would prefer to wear a hat. Or like a man in the supermarket without being asked, commented on the snake the decision to buy the child a Lollipop. Such moments are rare, beautiful, in the worst case, parents will be insulted even. However, it is not only tedious if all have an opinion to one’s own child. It is also a sign that the future of the child is not a private matter of its producers. A society that argues about parenting, believe in yourself and remember that you can change.

Now, where prohibited in France, the unspeakable Beat finally and clearly, the debate on a more appropriate level. The basic questions that were asked in the past few days, concern everyone, and not only people, raising a child. How do we communicate with each other, if we want to make sure this is done without violence? When does welfare paternalism? What time is limits the freedom of the Well-being of the other?