Hope is a good place to find out what has made the “most important decision since the Second world war”, as British politicians stress, with the United Kingdom. The village is situated between Manchester and Sheffield; academics, retired civil servants, Eco-farmers and industrial workers from the local cement factory life door to door. The valley is average.

the 50.5 percent of the voters in the constituency of High Peak District, in the Hope is located, have voted in favour of the outlet, and 49.5 percent for remaining in the EU. The difference made the 601 votes; the matter was even scarcer than elsewhere. Who from experience know how it is in rural areas where one knows well, often too well, and where you can’t get out of the way, you can imagine what this means: 27’717 a Leave – in against 27’116 Remain-votes. Deep a country can be divided not not be. And yet you have not taken the heads. On The Contrary. Why not?

The hatred theme that starts with B

In a lovely vegetarian Restaurant in Castleton, two miles from Hope station, sitting two relaxed, gentle women, who moved in in may 2019 surprising for the Green party in the municipal Council of the Hope Valley. Joanna Collins (65) and Charlotte Farrell (62) are, in fact, the only two municipal councillors of the Hope Valley. If you consider that in the Parliament in Westminster just a green member sits, so that, statistically, is an insanely good rate.

Charlotte is a lawyer and a shoemaker married. Joanna is a literary scholar, her husband is straight with a Church delegation to the West Bank. To Meet both of them come over the hill with the wheel, you will have to eat meatless. Macho shouting, in Westminster, the agenda is alien to them. Is different, they say.

the tea party is about two talk about things, not a word: diseases and Brexit .

The two want to believe that there is climate change, the fight you after several futile choice this surprise success has brought. But then Charlotte Farrell laughed a little flexible, she says: “The voters wanted and in urgent need of a change. They wanted to vote for none of the established parties and more. They wanted something completely different.” At least in the local elections in may, there was no disillusionment with politics, not a rejection of democracy. Only a departure from Brexit.

The two New politicians talk very reluctantly on this issue. Not only because you have to do in Hope Valley, of course with more mundane issues, building design or separation of Waste. But also, because their voters do not want to talk about the Brexit. “The people have the nose full. This ill-tempered, polarized, irrational, hateful, annoying, pointless debate, you don’t want to lead,” says Collins, “you want your peace of mind.”

your peace of mind?

That doesn’t sound like “denial, denial, frustration, anger, Aggression, and Transfer of negative feelings”. These are the terms that the currently circulating among experts and psychologists with a view to the great hatred theme that begins with B,. An entire industry is dealing with a “Brexit-uncertainty”, or “Brexit-grief”. Journals publish texts on “the mass psychology of the Brexit”, the “Mental Health Foundation” studies for the “Brexit-fear”.

Hope you have found another way, with the cacophony of opinions, deal with it. Harmonically, it is also not here, which is hard to ignore, because St. Peter, the Anglican Church, has a new Glockenläut group, and is not recorded. Actually, the Ringing is the result of a short, beautiful melody, but the members of the congregation on a Sunday morning in the bell tower of their ropes, still practice.

but That is the only Irritation this Morning. The family worship in terms of visits; most of the inhabitants are employed in order to supply the thousands and thousands of hikers that day in and day out in the Peak District come up with. Father Lyonel is, jokingly, John Bercow: “Ordeeerrr,” he calls, the now legendary tone of the Parliament speaker in Westminster imitating, before the sermon begins. This, he promises, will be “Brexit-free”.

used to do it, now, however,

Afterwards there will be coffee and cake and a Surprise: In the round, someone who would not have changed his opinion about the Brexit sitting. Country-wide surveys do not imply that the fronts in the Brexit-the dispute remained the same? For many months there is a small, stable majority to Remain; would have voted today, again, would be the Referendum probably just the other way around. But the issue would disappear with it?

In Hope are giving way to the fronts up. For example, there is the vicar, Martin Hayes-Allen and husband Robert Forman. The two of them are for 30 years, a Couple for 15 years, partnered, married for five years. Hayes All voted to Leave. He did not like the free trade agreement TTIP, which wanted to negotiate with the EU and the USA. Has done with Donald Trump. Now Hayes is-All of the Remainer.

Or, the brothers Steven and James Melroy, one is just 18 months older than the other. Steven studied philosophy and Arabic studies and doing a couple of internships, to his resume for job applications replace. His brother James is a chemist, but works currently in saving-Load of Hope. Steven is proud to be a Leaver; the country was not boome due to the Brexit in the crisis, the economy, all the warnings were exaggerated, he says. Nevertheless, In the case of prolonged Reflection he finds it good, if great Britain would remain in the single market. This is a good compromise, he says. His brother, James, is mutated from the Remainer of the Leaver. The EU is too undemocratic. He did not understand until after the Referendum.

The smartest two old ladies approach to the thing, the shopping in the parish house on the charity Bazaar for Christmas. Auriel Good, and Joan Green, both of them 92 years old, have been friends for 30 years. Your men died within a month, their children live far away in some corner of the country. After all, they have each other. And you have an iron-clad appointment. When your coffee is about two talk about things, not a word wreath: diseases and Brexit.

Maybe things are just different beyond the London bubble, maybe the optic is displaced? The renowned photographer Andrew Testa, whose photos will be published in the major magazines of the world, just finished a commissioned work for the “New York Times”. The Topic: Brexit. He was also in Central England where the Peak District is, he was everywhere in the Kingdom. He confirmed: “The people are tired, annoyed. You can loop the duration, the same old arguments no longer hear. But the anger, the hatred, the there is especially in and around Westminster.”

The number of members in the attacks, with murder and rape are threatened, is rapidly soared.

In the Hope you fear this hate. And before that, he spills to the North; you can see the anger in Westminster, too, feel, hear. The members of the High Peak constituency, Ruth George, the sitting Labour party in the lower house, has been self-directed for many years a campaign for “Freedom of Fear”, the Attacks of angry customers on the seller’s or employees will be addressed. Indeed, the number of deputies, the attack is to be threatened with murder and rape, is rapidly soared.

Brexit-hardliners warn therefore, before taking the Brexit, or even cancel. The consequence would people be riots, disappointed Leaver would go to the streets and venting their anger at the traitors omit, are to blame for it. These threats snagging every time. And with regard to the December election, is not yet identified, who stands then as a winner and as a folk hero who as a loser or a traitor.

Created: 31.10.2019, 20:15 Uhr