As a Coca farmer Evo had become Morales, 13 years ago, the President, and in the Coca-growing province of Chapare, in the heart of the country, he is gone now, as Bolivian media reports. You could probably also escaped say. His announced resignation has left a vacuum of power in Bolivia, in which, for the moment everyone seems to do what he wants.

you have issued to the commander of An overzealous Police an invalid arrest warrant against him, tweeted Morales. Another police denied commander. Morales’ supporters speak of a coup – a view not only held by the Left in Latin America. From Cuba and Argentina Solidarity messages came from just been released from jail Ex-President Lula in Brazil. The Russian government had heard that it was one of the United States “orchestrated coup”. Mexico offered Morales asylum. Shortly after his resignation, Morales explained that he wanted to remain in the country. “The struggle of the common people and patriots don’t stop,” he said. “It hurts a lot what happened.”

the rank of the opposition leader, Camacho is fighting with Carlos Mesa, the in the case of the controversial election on 20. October Morales’ Challenger had been.

How to do it in Bolivia, was on Monday completely open. There is also the President of the chamber of deputies and the Senate are resigned, is now the largely unknown second Senate Vice-President, Jeanine Áñez, formal head of state. She said she was willing to do the Job. This is primarily to hold elections. No one was so long President of Bolivia as Morales, he has won three elections, the balance of power has shifted massively. Morales still has a base in the poor Andean highlands, among mine workers and Indigenous, to whom he had given a social insurance.

But his enemies are many: first of all, the so-called groups of citizens from the richer lowlands, the Morales from the beginning, bitterly fought, their leader, the 40-year-old Luis Camacho is. The lawyer from Santa Cruz, called on Sunday immediately pithy the formation of a Junta of his citizens groups, as well as from the police and the military. The rank of the opposition leader, Camacho Carlos Mesa, in the controversial election on 20. argue October Morales’ Challenger had been.

The military chief has tweeted tipped the scales

Mesa, the resignation of the President was the “end of tyranny”. He himself had been from 2003 to 2005, Bolivia’s President, there were chaotic times, probably why the power base is missing the stiff Mesa.

Many former supporters have now been Morales turned: indigenous organizations, Church groups, and environmental groups, who accuse him, to blame for the Fires to Bolivia in August devastated after Morales Klein had allowed farmers in the country burn down. And at the end of the military was added to the all view, because it seems to be the only solid factor. The vote of the military chief Williams Kaliman had given on Sunday the rash. “We suggest that the President resigns, to the peace and stability in Bolivia, sustained,” said the officer, with a view to the week-long riots after the election.

government people escape

Everything was rolling come, as on Sunday a study of the organization of American States, irregularities in the counting of votes after the 20. October demonstrated. Morales called new elections, was then but to withdraw, urged: “I give up, so, Mesa and Camacho are not more Ministers and deputies, as well as the Poorest of the poor in attack,” he said.

The riots went on but even after that, While opponents of the Ex-state celebrated heads in the streets, and laid demonstrators fire, burned the whole bus fleets, and plundered shops and houses. Groups, one of which is not clear to which belonged to whom, you, burned, La Paz and El Alto. Houses of journalists and officials have been vandalized or burned, also owned by the Morales family itself is to be affected. 20 government employees took refuge in the Mexican Embassy. On Monday morning, La Razón ran the headline:””: “La Paz wakes up to a terror of the night.”

“Under Morales managed to reduce the poverty rate, according to the world Bank from 59.9 per cent to 34.6 per cent in 2018.”Moritz Krawinkel, Medico

Ex-Vice-President Álvaro García Linera, the intellectual mind behind Morales, accused of conspiratorial forces and paramilitary gangs. “It was a coup,” he said. “I was very proud to be the Deputy of an indigenous presidents have been,” added the sociologist and political strategist.

In Latin America, workers help organizations keep track of the development with concern: “Under Morales managed to reduce the poverty rate, according to the world Bank from 59.9 per cent to 34.6 per cent in 2018,” tweeted Moritz Krawinkel of Medico. The life expectancy had increased: “Undeniable successes, even if they were based on the continuation of the economic model that Bolivia for the last 500 years in dependence.” The Executive Director of the Catholic relief Adveniat, Michael Heinz, said: “Europe must seriously consider the countries of Latin America, rather than loot them only as the raw material warehouse.”

Created: 11.11.2019, 20:15 Uhr