More than 20 politicians have signed up as a candidate to the Congolese president Joseph Kabila to follow, but only three candidates run everywhere in the more than 2 million km2 large land campaign. That Emmanuel Ramazani Shadary, candidate for the camp Kabila, Félix Tshisekedi, and Martin Fayulu.
The opposition ambieerde the last few months with one candidate. Fayulu was in november in Geneva has been appointed as the oppositiekandidaat, but 24 hours later withdrew Tshisekedi and Vital Kamerhe their support back, under pressure from their base. A few days later sounded that the last two are attached to each other: Tshisekedi as a candidate-president, Kamerhe as a candidate premier.
Read also “Kinshasa, organises elections to win them” Emmanuel RAMAZANI SHADARY
The 58-year-old Ramazani was in August appointed to the presidential candidate of the Front Commun pour le Congo (FCC), the alliance around the current president Joseph Kabila. It was only a few hours before the deadline passed that this news doorsijpelde from the FCC conclave in Kingakati. That Ramazani was identified as a candidate, was for many observers as a surprise, but in the meantime, it is clear why he was chosen. He is one of Kabila’s most loyal supporters, has no own political following and does not have its own financial resources, what’s in it for Kabila easier for him over the next five years to check. That against Ramazani EU sanctions walk, also helps him in the only do running.