Shortly before 9 p.m. a group of young people from the Kunsthaus runs to the Polyterrasse. At their peak, two girl the shoulders, a banner: “Climate First”.

Sophie, Nilay, and Nono still tinkering of their slogans. “To nöd assi, thinking at the environment,” write with felt-tip pens on a sheet of paper. A trash can serves as a pad. “In Zürich we have it good,” says Sophie (16), Sekschülerin from the circle of four. “Our plastic ends up in the sea and not in the lake of Zurich.”

Nilay makes a lesson in the old-age home. He wrote a request to the Board, to the Demonstration to attend, and got the whole day free. “I feel helpless. We are Young rarely have the opportunity to do something for the climate,” he says.

“Why are we supposed to be in school and heal the world play when in front of us the world is broken?”, ask Nono. His Generation, he do not Worry, but to his children and their descendants. Then, a new spell for him. “Nike is cool, but d environmental Japanese Horny”, scribbles it on a paper.

The old people’s home gave apprentice Nilay (on the left) a day to the air strike. His friends Sophie and Nono accompany him.

“It won’t be the last strike to be”

A young man grabs the microphone on the Polyterrasse. His voice is heard through speakers attached to an old Fiat Panda. He climbs on a bench and says: “This is the third strike. And it will not be the last.” The future of the planet is more important than prosperity and economic growth. If the policy is do nothing, it is necessary to generate pressure. “Screams so loud that Bern’s listening to us. And Greta in Sweden.”

The 15-year-old Greta Thunberg from Sweden, which has motivated many young people in Europe to climate strike. Since last August, they stayed out of each Friday of the school to demonstrate a reduction of CO2 emissions. Today, in the whole of Switzerland as well as in Belgium and Germany climate strikes.

in addition to young people and adults on the Polyterrasse. A man with gray hair has tinkered with a box-coat: “No CO2”. Claudia and Felicia, both 50, are a little off. “We don’t want to disturb the boys, but to show solidarity,” they say.

Also when you were young, was the ruthless treatment of the environment is already a big issue. Chernobyl, the forest die – yet they were never on the road. “We were shy,” says Claudia. With their parents they had intense discussions, especially about the need to less the car. The sorting of waste, and little meat to eat, projects of the WWF support. So you today are for the environment.

Belong to the older climate strikers: Claudia and Felicia.

self-discipline and “any agreement”

The Talk on the Polyterrasse is over. The demonstrators are off and running. Young people on Loudspeakers the slogans: “We are here, we are loud because they are stealing our future.” A mother came in with her child in the Trailers, and rolled out to the Central down.

“I think in the evening from time to time about our terrible dealing with the climate,” says Sekschüler Viktor from type. When he saw on the Internet pictures of chicken factory farms, or glacier comparisons, he would get scared. He makes a year a “No-Waste-to-month,” in which he takes no plastic and no meat eating. With a policy he knows is not good, but he wanted to make them more environmentally friendly. “With any agreement,” says Viktor.

Viktor from Uster gets scared when he sees on the Internet time-comparisons of glaciers.

For Laura, art student, 26 – is, above all, self-discipline is crucial. Everyone should trust that he can do something for the environment. You buy everything second-hand, brings food from containers, and only buys organic products. “It can’t go on like this. We need a change,” she says.

Laura only buys Second-hand clothes. It appeals to the self-discipline.

Meanwhile, other protesters take pictures with their mobile phones stickers, the glue on an election poster of the civil councillor candidates. On a green background System Change. You can hope for. After all, today twice as many people have participated in the air strike, than last December. 2000 it should be, as the Juso said via Twitter. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 18.01.2019, 15:06 PM