Tomorrow, in the Committee’s discussion programmed for the amendment of the article 7bis of the Constitution. That article, until recently, unknown but now widely in the news, by the klimaatactivisten to be put forward as the basis for a robust climate policy. The good outcome remains, however, highly doubtful: to the Constitution to change, and subsequently a special law to get approved, you now have a very broad support in the parliament.

The discussion of the special climate law is running a few months in the Room. The cross came from a series of academics, that a proposal had written down. However, the targets for 2030 and 2050 should be achieved, but also enhanced cooperation between the different ministers responsible for Climate change, the establishment of an interfederal klimaatagentschap and the organisation of an annual klimaatdag in april.

Read also Klimaatactivisten requirements amendment constitution: MR will review article 7bis support but CD&V, Open Vld and N-VA continue to be at

That proposal was, with some modifications as a concrete legislative proposal in the parliament, submitted by a range of opposition parties, and the MR, the party of prime minister Charles Michel. On the Flemish side, however, was immediately clear that the former ‘Swedish partners N-VA, CD&V and Open Vld not warm walked for the text of the act. And the MR blows regular hot and cold about the theme, but certainly not with enthusiasm.

Council of State

The Council of State came a few weeks ago with a very sharp opinion about the text, moved the court itself, a number of runs forward to meet his expectations – a striking approach. One of those possibilities was a paragraph to add to article 7bis of the Constitution. That section should require that governments work together to an effective climate policy in accordance with the objectives, principles and modalities to be established in a special law – the potential future climate law.

Socialists, greens and other opposition parties announced immediately that piste to explore. Last week pushed the young people from Youth for Climate and the Klimaatpanel the members of parliament on the amendment to the Constitution, to approve of, and since yesterday to convert activists who claim power in the vicinity of the parliament.