on Monday afternoon, treats the Parliament a number of proposals from the SV about the limitations in the market for barneverntjenester. Most are expected to fall, but the Sector supports a proposal to ask the government to make sure measures that will reduce the one-time purchase of the institution places in child welfare.

Thus, the majority against the government.

the Practice of one-time purchase has really grown in number. We are concerned about the quality, because it’s often price that determines, says Geir Jørgen Retire (KrF) to Dagbladet.

KrF-Bollestad: – I started to work as a six-year-old. It was the poor man’s work ” Plus

the ministry of Children and equality minister Linda Hofstad Helleland (H) do not share the concern for the Progress and SV.

We have seen a development where more children with special needs need structured and comprehensive measures. Bufetat has a good overview of the offer to the suppliers, and with this large extent, match the children and action, she writes in an e-mail to Dagbladet.

Retire: – We can’t stop with politics

For the moment, it explores the Progress to go into the Solberg-government. The party has warned the coalition parties that they are going to support the socialist left’s proposal.

it May have consequences for the sonderingene when you once again join in on a decision against the government?

– No. We can’t stop with politics even though we it explores. This is about the most vulnerable in society, and then there must be understanding of the coalition parties that This follows his primærpolitikk even if it takes place sonderinger, says to Retire.

Recently it came to violent reactions from the conservative party, when His right in the budsjettinnspurten chose to go along with the opposition to stop the scheme with that you can buy more wine at the duty free if you do not buy the tobacco. To retire don’t think this proposal will be just as controversial.

There came a mighty reactions on this with two bottles of wine, but it was probably more a symbol for the political Right, ” he says.

Association: – Degrading

Deputy Thomas Johansen in the national association of child care children is pleased that the proposal from the SV wins the majority. He even has a background from child welfare, and currently works in the municipal child welfare service.

Konsulentopprør at omsorgsgigant: – It has been an insane avarice

” We get more and more feedback about this. Those who have experience with enetiltak where they have been subject to such one-time purchase, saying that it is problematic, ” says Johansen to the Newspaper.

– It may feel degrading, simply. There was one who said that “it will set a price on my head, no matter “. It is experienced that the public is interested in how much you can cost, and it makes utenforskapet you feel enhanced, ” he continues.

the Union question on the follow-up will be good enough by the use of one-time purchase, and is worried that children will not get the stability they need.

Johansen also believes that it is more difficult to remove stigmaet related to child care children when one is placed in the enetiltak.

– If you hear about a youth who must live in a house with four adults because they have so much challenges, what do you think then? You get a stamp on, ” says Johansen.

A: – Deeply unethical

A react specifically to the way enkeltkjøpene be done.

– today is put vulnerable children one by one out to tender. Sending out detailed descriptions of the children and their families to vendors who are going to bid on children a. This is very sensitive information. A believes that it is deeply unethical, ” says forslagsstiller Freddy André Øvstegård (A) to Dagbladet.

FORSLAGSSTILLER: Freddy Øvstegård (SV) is behind the proposal that wins the majority. Photo: Vidar Ruud / NTB scanpix Show more

instead want A into more long-term agreements with the ideal actors, or that the public provides for the seats themselves.

– It is almost impossible for the ideal actors to be in such a competition. There are some big commercial that has a anbudsapparat which are able to city in this way. That is why most of the enkeltkjøpene to them, ” says Øvstegård.

Helleland disagree with the description from the Øvstegård.

– At the public announcement of competitions will be given no information about enkeltbarn. It is only when the Bufetat have matched children and possible measures, that the measure will receive information about the child’s needs. In practice, there is often only one measure that is contacted, she writes.

Believes that the tender increases the bureaucracy

Also Asbjørn Sagstad from Ideal barnevernsforum is wary of enkeltkjøpene.

Half of the seats purchased as one-time purchase is akuttplasser. This is the place that must be procured at short notice, and we are concerned for the quality assurance, says Sagstad to the Newspaper.

He believes, moreover, that all enkeltkjøpene contributes to increased byråkratisering.

– It is costly to run competitions on this. Bufetat shall prepare and send out oppdragsbeskrivelser, get the offer , make assessments, negotiate and follow up the agreements. We question whether this is the correct use of community funds, ” says Sagstad.

Also the ideal want that barneverntjenestene operated by the public and the ideal, and that the commercial must be out of the market.

– Both the nonprofit sector and the public have a principle that services should be profittfrie. It should be the main principle of the welfare services that are skattefinansierte. We believe it is important that the public have a clear hand on the steering wheel, ” says Sagstad.

Opened the home for seksualovergriperen Daniel (9) Dagbladet Plus