the Left will go into the new regjeringsforhandlingene with stricter requirements on miljøfronten than Jeløya platform they negotiated in the last year.

It is endorsed at the Liberal party landsstyremøte this weekend.

– Jeløya-the platform is made of completely different knowledge. It is out of date from the latest report from the Un intergovernmental panel on climate change. We need to sharpen the requirements in the light of the report, and we must have the instruments to reach the targets, ” says Grande to NTB.

Jeløya platform from January is styringsgrunnlaget for the current Norwegian government, with the Right, the political Right and Left. In the new year pending negotiations on a new platform, this time with the aim of taking the Sector into government.

Red cloth

In the new kravs-the list is there are a number of red cloths for regjeringspartner Frp.

the Left will double the CO₂ fee of 1000 nok per tonne – and let it apply to all sectors.

They will have more wolf in Norway by increasing bestandsmålene.

In addition, they will increase the Norwegian klimamålet for the Norwegian, domestic klimakutt to at least 55 per cent by 2030 and have smaller oil exploration.

Young Left are among those who have been pushing for the stricter requirements, and Young Left-leader Sondre Hansmark are well satisfied by today’s landsstyremøte.

– There is a significant ambisjonsøkning in relation to what we had last. I am happy that we have prioritised this in towards the negotiations, ” he says.

– It is here the distance to the Right and the progress party are the greatest. We need to push them in the right direction. Now we get with us the Progress that is pushed on kjøttvekta. KrF is concerned with the climate and the environment, but they do not always have the measures to do something about it. Now we show the measures that are available, ” says Hansmark.

the Deputy leader Ketil Solvik-Olsen will together with party leader Siv Jensen and deputy nestelder Sylvi Listhaug negotiate on behalf of the conservative party. He will not respond on how he relates to the Kalebet Left-the requirements.

We does not negotiate through the media, ” he says.

Won the CO₂-victory

Young Left-the manager is particularly pleased with the doubling of the CO₂ tax.

– There have been no unison agreement within the Left that we should be so ambitious. We have decided to double the price of the CO₂ and make sure that it should apply to all sectors. The left has not put such numbers before. There is a huge support for the Young Left that it should cost as much contaminate, ” he says.

– There are some rødekluter for Frp here, for example, wolf?

” We want to increase the bestandsmålene for the big predators. Even though we have the climate and miljøministeren we have not been able to move the government in relation to the wolf. It shoots wolf in too great a degree. It makes that the wolf population is too low and is characterised by inbreeding. We are going to have to do something to increase the bestandsmålene he says.

Lamented Raja-utskjellingen and praised Abid Raja

” We have put forward the policies we believe can do that we reach the 1.5 degree goal. We should at least halve emissions by 2030, in line with the report from the Un intergovernmental panel on climate change says that need to. It is the policy of we add up, we have the tools to achieve this. The most important thing for us is to reach the commitments we have in Parisavtalen, so get the Right consider how much they will be before they go out of the government, ” says the Young Left-the leader.

Klimaforhandlere from all over the world are now gathered in Poland to agree on a set of regulations for the implementation of the Parisavtalen.

couples therapy: After that, Trine Skei Grande and Abid Raja skværet up directly on NRK on Thursday night, has multiple drawn comparisons with the NRK series “couples therapy”. Communications advisor Elizabeth Hartmann believes it all seemed like a show that was rehearsed in advance. Video: NRK, Twitter, Kristoffer Løkås/Dagbladet. Show more