With millions of viewers, has been welcomed by Sydney’s already the new year. 8.5 tonnes of fireworks chased the organiser in the air record. In Berlin, the first lines form at the party mile at the Brandenburg gate already.

With an extravagant, twelve minutes lasting firework has welcomed the Australian city of Sydney in the new year. Against the backdrop of the Opera house, Harbour Bridge and many boats in the harbour of 8.5 tonnes of fireworks went up at midnight, according to information from the organizer into the air once more, 500 pounds more than last year. The organizers had delivered as promised, three dimensional acting, fireworks and lights in new colors like lime and peach. Just in time the clouds had parted after a storm.

The pyrotechnics painted under the eyes of more than 1.5 million viewers in the port site hearts, flowers and umbrellas to the sky, rang with Golden and silver light, the rain, the music of the 2018 deceased Soul Stars Aretha Franklin. Thousands of people had camped since the night before near the port, in order to secure a good view for the fireworks. Many complained that the best places this year had been cordoned off for paying visitors. For the stay in the new year’s eve-Area viewers had to buy for the first time, Tickets and up to 60 dollars.

new year’s eve celebration in Sydney

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