4. February two people were attacked and subjected to violence by several people on Tøyen in Oslo.

Shortly after caught the police four people, which is charged with complicity to kroppsskade, complicity to gross kroppskrenkelse and contradiction by the judiciary.


The four, aged 19 to 30 years of age, was 6. February ” I in four weeks, the Oslo district court.

What makes the case extra special, and that they are charged with contradiction by the judiciary, is that the one offended is a key witness in a trial where two of the prisoners stand accused.

The case stems from the 4. June 2016, when a masked gang stormed into the Ensjø Bingo and attacks a man in 20-years. The eight-nine individuals were armed with knokjern, golf club, knife, and a machete.

Brutal video

the Man in the 20-years had several deep kytt, fractures, head injuries and a cut off finger. Also another man was the victim of violence, but not as comprehensive. The background for the event should have been a confrontation about hasjsalg.

Matter has already been up in the Oslo district court, where it was played by a brutal video, which shows a group of masked men storm into one of the rooms on the bingo.

A person pulls a machete out of the waistband of treningsbuksa and goes against the offended person. On the video one can see that the man raises macheten, and cuts against a person who is outside the bilderamma.

The eight defendant was in Oslo district court sentenced to imprisonment from two years to three and a half years, but the judgments are appealed. Thus, the matter shall up in the Borgarting court of appeal, is likely to fall, according to politiadvokat Benedicte Granrud.

Eight sentenced for macheteangrep on bingo in Oslo the Defendant imprisoned for the violence

And there are two of the defendants in this case who now is imprisoned for having gone out on a central witness in the same case.

“the Police believe that the incident which occurred 4. February in the year have a connection to this case”, writes the Oslo police department on Facebook.

– the Offended person is the relevant as a witness also in the appeal, ” says politiadvokat Granrud.

On Facebook, type the Oslo police that they “look very seriously at the issue”.

Granrud says that she at the present time can’t say as much about the matter, having regard to the investigation, but that the reason they put the two cases in the context is the people there are to talk about.

the Offended person and the defendant do not belong to the same environment.

Chopped loose on the man with the machete at the bingo