Witnesses: Secret torture prisons in Turkey

For the first time tells the witnesses for the international media how they been abducted and tortured at a secret location.

the Other are carried with the air from the rest of the world.

A common mediegranskning shows the darkest pages of Turkey hunting on the followers to the alleged kuppmakare.

It is an ordinary day in 2017. ”Tolga” has left his daughter in the school and walk along a street in the capital, Ankara. It takes five seconds to kidnap and bring him away in a black van, ” he says.

A short drive follows. Sack over the head, arms and legs bound. Once a cell becomes Tolga beaten with clubs and given electric shocks. The guards put a dildo in his hand: ”You know what we intend to do with it”.

Tolga interrogated and tortured two to three times a day. ”We should do this to your wife and your parents, too. Your children will get to see,” says his tormentors.

Tolga, which actually has a different name, tells the richly detailed his story to a group of journalists, anywhere in Europe. Nine international media, among them, the TT, has in a joint review, coordinated by the German editors Correctiv looked closely at how the Turkish state is chasing the followers of the preacher Fethullah Gülen. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan blames them for the attempted coup against him on 15 July 2016.

After three months of torture promise Tolga to spy on others gülenister to the secret service, MIT. He is released and flees the country.

human rights Organisations have increasing evidence that MIT looks to some gülenister \

Probably there is a number of – several that have been released do not dare to tell you, some people have taken their lives, according to the Eur Türkdogan, chairman of the IHD.

– We conclude that the secret service is behind this. Usually says they kidnapped the families of the victims have been taken right on the street and taken away in a black van with tinted windows, ” says Türkdogan.

”You are a terrorist, you are a traitor,” they said.

Sometimes, he was taken to ”the chest”, a box where you can barely breathe.

” You don’t know if you are in the midst of her in any minute or several hours. Then they take out a and torture.

Although he was forced to be informers, was released and fled the country.

Tolgas and Ali’s stories are impossible to verify, but they are interviewed for hours and is credible.

the Turkish government has not responded to media questions but have previously denied torture. President Erdogan promised shortly after the coup attempt \

But while the united states kept its program secret is the Turkey open with his hunting in the rest of the world on Gülenanhängare.

– A and a we’ll bring the gülenister who have fled and now think that they are safe back to our country and to deliver them to justice, said president Erdogan, in a speech in July 2018 to his party.

the Examples are many of how designated gülenister abroad, even they are taken on the open street and handed over to Turkey, even if they are known do not end up in secret torture prisons. Several events have been filmed.


Many who have taken a teacher at Gülenrörelsens schools around the world.

the Arrests or abductions, according to the critics, have been from Kosovo, Gabon, Sudan, the republic of Moldova, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Malaysia , and many more countries who have provided assistance.

”Without following the correct legal procedures for the security services in several countries, including Kosovo and the republic of Moldova, worked with Turkish agents, in 2018, in order to capture and transfer of Turkish nationals to Turkey where they have been detained,” writes Emma Sinclair-Webb at HRW.

It is a ”flagrant breach of the fugitive’s rights. Several of these renditions have largely been abductions,” she continues.

in Total some one hundred people transferred from abroad, according to Turkish ministers.

as well As in the allegations of secret torture prisons, can the secret service MIT linked to the transport from the rest of the world, shows review.

march 29, 2018 prisoners a security camera in Pristina, Kosovo, and how six people, including five teachers on a Gülenskola, pulled out of a car and into another, right in broad daylight day. They are soon aboard a private aircraft with the designation of TC-KLE, and lift against a Turkish military air base.

the Plane belonging to a charter company called BIT – with the same address as the MIT employees ‘ housing, next to the secret service headquarters in Ankara. Also another aircraft, TT4010, which can be connected to a Turkish penal transportation which was stopped in Mongolia in July 2018, belong to the same airline.

TC-KLE accompanying sometimes Erdogan’s plan, shows openly available information on international flights.

Attempts to access the gülenister also takes place within the EU. In Denmark got a Turkish journalist in last year’s protection by the secret police after a threat. In Switzerland, two Turkish diplomats requested arrested after a kidnappningsförsök 2016.

Turkey also wants EU countries grabs and submits Gülenanhängare. In one case, in Romania, deliberating a court right now if the country must disclose to a journalist, Kamil Demirkaya.

the Man movement founded in the late 1970s in Turkey by the preacher Fethullah Gülen, born in 1941.

it Has many followers in Turkey but also in many other countries.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan accuses Gülen of the coup attempt on 15 July 2016. The movement denies this and claims to be a supporter of democracy.

Fethullah Gülen was previously close to Erdogan. But then the movement accused the Erdogan-employees for corruption cut the ties. The president responded by dedicating hundreds of military personnel and closing schools run by the gülenister.

Erdogan has been suspicious of Gülenrörelsens strong presence in, among others, the media, the police and the judiciary, and wanted to crush it completely after the coup attempt.

Gülen living in the united states since 1999.

Sources: AFP, an Encyclopedia