This year 2024 will be that of impulse, reflection and above all action for the bank of entrepreneurs. BPI France, very active in the sports market with communication as close as possible to the players in the sporting world, wants to take up a new challenge which will lead to a unique event next June around the “Sport Definition” project supported by its network “Les Meneurs”, platform for innovation players in sport. The idea is simple: bring together more than 4,000 participants around 10 major themes such as industry, Health, Climate, cultural and Creative industries, territories, etc.
It is therefore as a leader and facilitator that the group positions itself and was able to bring together on February 6 around a hundred actors who came to discuss and challenge a sport that cuts across society. Playing collectively to build the future is the leitmotif of the morning’s work, as recalled by the executive director in charge of communications, Julien Noronha, welcoming the day’s guests.
One of the particularities of the day was the full involvement of local authorities represented in particular in the working group on the theme of sport and territories, they which represent the very first public financier of sport in France to the tune of 12.5 billion euros according to BPCE L’Observatoire. It’s a mini “CRdS”, a regional sports conference that we finally find around the table: the sports movement, the economic world, local authorities (notably the Rennes agglomeration that day) and obviously the State with a public policy and an ambitious roadmap for this very special year which cannot leave room for any controversy. And this is good, because the objective is indeed co-construction with the presence of prestigious players who have proven themselves in the field: the CNOSF, the CROS Ile de France, the BPCE group and its director, Manpower Ven discuss its societal commitment or even structures like Sporsora or ANDES.
This work on the attractiveness of sport is also a look at the legacy of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games with a question already asked: how can we ensure that the investments, fundraising of today and tomorrow make us stronger at the next Olympics in Los Angeles? It is this vision of a leading sport, leader and creator of wealth which is shared with always a notion of eco-responsibility and societal commitment.
Move forward as far as possible together without stopping because the observation is there and it is optimistic: with 450 billion in turnover and an average growth of 4% per year, the global sports market is a growing sector. And it is precisely to respond to the challenge of visibility and attractiveness of sport by agreeing with the skills and ambitions of all stakeholders on a common course taking into account the specificities of each area of expertise that BPI France is positions himself as a conductor.
Mustafa Curlu, Digital, Sport and International Director, recalled his positioning: “We believe that all markets and all innovations are possible through sport and we are very happy to have you among us this morning to prepare for the great and beautiful event which awaits us in June with more than 4,000 people who will answer the call. Appointment made to see if together we can go faster, higher and stronger in the vision of a legacy to be built a few weeks before welcoming the biggest sports competition in the world and nearly 15 million tourists expected for these Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris.