Spring is infatuation, flirtation, and exuberant life and sex drive.

Just not for you and whole lot of other women, as in the middle of a busy duty-infuseret life goes around and miss the tickling and the sucking sensation of desire. Sex drive.

Sexologist and therapist Katrine Berling meet many women who tell her that they have lost the ‘desire’.

– And when I hear their story, I can actually well understand, that it is ended up such a, says Berling to Ekstra Bladet.

– the Days are filled with kids, lunches, laundry and work, and often there is no time left for the woman herself. It is with great respect, I listen to their stories. And I can really well understand that there simply has not been the space to feel like.

But sex therapist points out that these busy periods in our life often just is periods.

– and suddenly, we get more time, and so we stand there and have the desire to feel desire again, but it is not right. and what do we do then?

According to Berling, the challenge is for many to believe that desire is something that comes all by itself.

– But this is often not. I would say that two out of three women desire enabled. And then, once it is activated, we must of course be willing to go with it and not shut it down again.

– On my course ‘WANT’ I learn women, that desire is a source inside of us, we have access to. But for that we can feel it, there is a need for space and time to the. The desire to be grown, says Katrine Berling.

– So, how to cultivate one so that the bright?
– First step is always that we must have the desire to have desire. We need to be willing and curious on what happens if we begin to open up our desire and pleasure. Without the desire, the willingness and the curiosity to ourselves, we will go nowhere.

– Like takes up space I can feel myself, my body and what I want to – I am talking here not only sexual, says sex therapist.

Kiss & love – 10. jun. 2018 – at. 20:01 Hold the life of the desire: This is what science says

When the desire should be awakened to live again, points out, Berling, it is always good to start with to awaken the body to live. It can be done in many ways, and there is not a way that works for all. But it could be any of the following:

a Long, hot bath, like in a bath.

Massage – it can be erotic, sensual or regular massage.

Yoga or any other form of training.

Dance is always good, it creates energy, joy and desire for most.

To make love with itself.

– Pleasure are sensations that are felt in the body, and if I don’t have contact to my body, I forget, quite simply, to mark them.

Sex & cohabitation – 25. may. 2018 – at. 22:00 Three reasons why your man loses the desire for sex

For many women, and look in a broad sense, incredibly important, and it is not only when we talk about sex, but on the whole, believe Berling.

– to be able to have good sex, we must be able to be present and enjoy it, and if we have all sorts of obstacles, it can be difficult for us to be present and enjoy. When we know our obstacles or brakes, we also have the opportunity to do something about them before we go into that sexual space.

Katrine Berling meet women who feel they are relaxing more when:

the Children are sleeping, or better yet, when there are no children at home.

they have been in The bath and had shaved legs.

They know there is enough time.

At no 22 in the evening.

– It may sound trite, but for many women, these factors are really important to get a good sexual experience. I call them our brakes, and only when we are aware of our brakes, we can begin to release the brake and put the foot gently on the accelerator.

And when we begin to do that, will the desire slowly grow, says Berling, who, at his Desire-of course doing a lot of exercises, guided visualizations, and writing and oplevelsesøvelser, which is geared to make women lystbevidste.

After each kursusaften there are small take-home assignments, which should give the desire more space in everyday life. They must be able to f.ex. read something, write something, feel, and sense something.

– when you put the desire more in focus, it grows in fact, says Berling, who, including the booster five myths about sex.

Read more about Katrine and bright here

It is perhaps the biggest and most confusing myth, there are around desire. Because many of us are going around and waiting that we suddenly become the hit of WANT.

But how it works want unfortunately not always. Sometimes we need to do something yourself to start it.

To think or say, ‘I don’t want’ is perhaps the biggest lystdræber. Because it turns off the little sprout of desire, maybe there is.

No, our body does not need to feel the direct light, it is enough that I want to get fancy. This is especially true for those whose desire is to be activated.

When I turn on in the heart, so comes the desire from an emotional place. And here it may take a little time to get kropsfornemmelserne with. But I want to get fancy, then I can activate the desire through touch, kisses and caresses.

Sexperterne – 15. feb. 2017 – at. 23:08 No desire for sex? What you can do!

We say that women get wet and men get hard when we are upset. But in reality we can’t really use this scale for anything.

For both men and women are wet and hard. And some more than others. Men have their pre-semen as their wetness. And some men produce more pre-semen than others. In the same way, there are some women, there is always a little wet in the vagina, while others are a little more dry. This is not to say that they have more or less bright, but they produce more or less of vaginal lubrication.

Men are hard. But all men who have lost their erection, at that the good might want, even if their penis is not ready, and so one must just wait a bit to get the penis.

In the same way it is for women. We also have spongy tissue in our vagina. And for that penetration becomes comfortable, they must be activated. Why is foreplay so important for women.

So instead of look for wetness and hardness, so feel in the body: ‘I Am ready, how have my like it, where am I in the process, and is there anything I need now to be more clear?’

Many of us see it as a sign that we are not going to have sex, if we suddenly become preoccupied with to-do lists, or anything else during sex. We have very high expectations that we need to be 100 percent present during sex.

But the truth is that our thoughts wander, and they do for all of us. So our thoughts may wander, but we must learn to come back to our body and the enjoyment, when we have taken a small detour.

You must turn on me – it is a very big responsibility to lay on another human being. This is why it is important that we learn to turn ourselves.

When I know how I turn myself, I have access to my delight and my pleasure, which makes sex becomes a much more pleasant experience for all. I am responsible for me, you have responsibility for you, and together we can meet in the erotic.