“Woman gets millions after electroshock”
“A woman receives damages of just over two million for the loss of income, and the annuity until she reaches the age of 65, because of but that she received treatment in a psychiatric clinic, reports Psykologtidningen. The compensation shall be paid by the county, pursuant to a judgment of the district court.”
“the Treatment took place nine years ago and involved eleven elchockbehandlingar, the so-called ECT-treatments. The woman were also subjected to sexual abuse by a carer. As a result of the treatments, and the abuse affected the woman of memory disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder.”
“the County council has acknowledged that the ECT-treatments occurred by the fault and neglect. The woman still suffers from memory loss and can’t work.”
“It is known that patients may suffer from long-lasting memory loss after the ETC treatments, but that it be granted damages is unusual.”
“I have not found any similar cases,” says the woman’s lawyer Ulf Jacobson to Psykologtidningen.”