In the tables below, we have listed the ten most sold models among privatköpande women and men so far this year and compared the outcome with how it looked four years ago,

the Figures come from the association, the Car’s database of new car buyers. This only includes natural persons, not companies (legal person).

the Breakdown in the database in the queue, go back to the year 2014. It was a Venüsbet strong nybilsår with closer 304.000 new cars.

then Volvo V70. It was in the heat of the both the enterprise market and the retail market.

today, choose the most privatköpande men Volkswagen’s mid-sized suv Tiguan. Volkswagen also puts a seizure on the second place with Golf, the same position which it had in 2014.

For Volvo Cars bid not this year’s list of what women select in some encouraging reading.

2014 low the Volvo V40 in third place and the Volvo V70 in ninth place.

Volvomodell left on the women’s top ten. The list is dominated by Volkswagen and Toyota, with each of the three models.

On the men’s list are three of volvo cars, against four 2014.

the new big w V90 manage to climb past the VW and regain the position as the representative V70 had in 2014?

the V90 is in the clear lead overall, but the position is held up by sales to businesses.