the women have in the government in the legislature 2019-2023 Say, is very possible. This is the case, namely, when, in addition to the applicant Director of Jacqueline Fehr (SP), Silvia Steiner (CVP), and Carmen Walker Späh (FDP) councillors will be elected Natalie Rickli (SVP), which wants to defend the residence of the transferor, Markus Kägi (SVP). Your chances are good, as a survey found.

That there is also in the cantonal Parliament with a female majority, is, however, rather unlikely. A female record and share but inside. Today is Friday, Peter Moser, chief statistician of the Canton, announced that 41.7 percent of the Candidates for the cantonal Parliament are female. In the last options in the year 2015, only 36.2 percent of the Candidates were women. The previous record dates back to 1995, when women made up 38 percent. However, at the time, a proportion were elected fewer women. In Parliament, only 28.9 percent were women. In 2015, there were at least 33.9 per cent.

The Green woman party

The highest proportion of women in the established parties, the Greens (53.1 percent), followed by the AL, the occupied, every second of the list with a woman. The SP is lagging behind with 47.2 percent, then EVP, GLP and CVP to follow. At the end of the rank list, the SVP will be marked with a 25 per cent women on their lists. The FDP comes to 38.9 percent, which is below average.

According to statistics, every party more women on their lists than in the year 2015 Very different it looks in the constituencies. The women-circle # 1 with 52.2 per cent of the city of Zurich district 1+2, followed very closely by a circle of 7+8. Also, more than half of the Candidates is female. With 46.1 percent of the district follows miles, then Winterthur-city. The final lights are Dielsdorf (37.1 percent), Dietikon (36,8) and Pfäffikon (36,2).

senior people’s party EPP

also Interesting are the age differences per party and constituency. The seniors are clearly the PPE-people with an average age of 50.1 years. It is the CVP, Green, as well as EDU and AL follow close to each other. Below the average, and to refer to almost as young parties, the FDP (45,4), SVP, SP and GLP. The most Recent, but with an average of 43.3 years of the BDP.

The most female constituency, is also by far the youngest: In the circuit 1+2, the Candidates are an average of 40.8 years old. About three years older than those from the circle 6+10 (44), 3+9 and Winterthur-city (44.1 kHz). The olive oil and sheep of the Candidates come from the “male region” Pfäffikon with a 49.2 years. Not even the most Recent are those from Affoltern (49 years), miles (48,5) and Hinwil (48,4).

This year, 1734 men and women are candidates. This is exactly a(r) more than four years ago, and about 250 fewer than in the year 2003, when there were no Pukelsheim-choice system, the list excludes compounds.

list with a company name

today, On the occasion of the Canton were drawn under the supervision of the Minister of justice, Fehr, the list numbers of those parties, which compete and are not currently in the cantonal Parliament are represented. The party of labour (PdA) has circles lists in all of the city’s choice, but without country-lists. The draw of the “lady luck” Stefan Langenauer, Director of the Statistical office and to the cantonal election officer, gave the Communists the lists(lucky)number 13.

“The Good”, the only in the city of Zurich, Kreis 3+9 take the draw, excited, pursued, and received the number 12, and the second as a joke-party “Helvida” the number 11. The Helvida, which has only three people on the list, occurs only in the circle of 6+10. Helvida a company name, but one that has been approved as the submitter renamed his company in the short term. Someone set up his company for elections, and hats in the Canton of Zurich has never given.

The pirates no longer take

The established parties to the list number in accordance with the election result of 2015. Thus, the SVP is allowed to show off with the number 1, the SP with the list number 2, followed by the FDP (3), GLP (4), Green (5), the CVP (6), EPP (7), AL (8), BDP (9) and EDU (10). The BDP appears in spite of slightly poorer voters share of the EDU, has to do with the Alphabet. The law for political rights stipulates that, first, the seat number and then the initial letter are crucial. AL, BDP and EDU had captured five seats. The BDP does not occur, as the only established party in all the constituencies. It is missing in three of the Zurich circles. The elections will be held on 24. March, the electoral lists are from the 29. January can be viewed online .

The pirates, who were flocking in 2015, however, in 1860, voters, heuer just as little as the Juso type (126 voters), or the “IP ZH”, which was able to mobilise four years ago, just 60 voters.

84’049’743’189’147’081’510’888’260 options

statisticians, Moser could not resist to present a few Numbers games. He has calculated that there are in the smallest constituency, Andelfingen (4 seats) 1’341’100 different ways that a ballot paper be valid to fill in. Stacked the paper tower is 171 meters height, which corresponds approximately to the height of the Basel, Roche-tower would.

Calculates the largest constituency in Bülach (18 seats), the result is exactly 84’049’743’189’147’081’510’888’260 options, that is, about 84 quadrillion, 49 trillion, etc., there are many of Roche-towers, or light-years, or even Eons of time, like Moser said. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 25.01.2019, 13:49 Uhr