“Words can scare, radicalise and contribute to the murder,”

“the Police’s major shortcomings in the investigations of hate crime on the internet is a social problem.”

“Words mean something. Words can frighten, silence and isolate. Words can radicalize and contribute to murder.”

“Hatstormen against SSU in the Hylte last summer, triggered by something so unremarkable as a picture of the association’s new board of directors, was the of the less hilarious battle.”

“Unpleasant, it is also to take part of the examination of the phenomenon of Aftonbladet’s reporters Natalia Kazmierska and Olof Svensson has done.”

“They’ve been talking with the man who invoked Breivik, the terrorist who murdered just young socialists, and who blame on to the grandchildren borrowed the pc, the older lady who repeatedly get banned from Facebook because of their coarse comments and a 40-talisten who flatters himself by claiming that he belongs to a generation where people have learned to say what they think.”

“the Reporters have also interviewed police officers and prosecutors who investigated hundreds of serious påhoppen and can tell you that the legal aftermath limited to to a person may be prosecuted for a comment.”

“An outcome that did not surprise. In any case, for those who have listened to Stefan Holgersson, the police and the researcher who, through the years, not infrequently irritated the police by studies that revealed the police shortcomings.”

“He has analysed the 800 notifications in this brottskategori. Almost none have led to prosecution, despite an often fairly evidence conditions.”

“police chiefs speak solemnly about the persecution of people because of their skin color, who they are with or what God they worship has been a priority, but in reality has no less than 22% of the submitted notifications to the western region disappeared in the management due to administrative deficiencies.”

“some regions are better than others, or rather less bad, but a recurring theme is the shortcomings in the legal and utredningsmässiga knowledge.”

“Strange is in addition to the larger cities that have established hatbrottsgrupper managed with konstycket to be poorer than communities without such.”

“How did this happen? Why participate every day thousands of swedes in the Facebook groups where racism and raw hatred are not only tolerated, but even encouraged?”

“It is a community that is doing something with people. It brings security, a belonging. This is a group dynamics, a force field of relations between the members which is the basis for the accelerating effect that occurs between them.”

“of Course, affected also the victims of the mob. It can be a 14-year-old has been appointed to Lucia. It can be a 23-year-old who just dares to open the door to the closet. It can be a senior citizen doing something so radical as to believe in the equal value of all people.”

“People who become fearful, who may withdraw, become silent.”

“There are other aspects. Ahn-Za Hagström, senior analyst at the Swedish security service, touched on something important at a press conference recently when the Fbi presented its yearbook.”

“She talked about the words that got harder and heavier in the run-in last year. About how they can influence and radicalize.”

“Breivik, Anton Lundin Pettersson, now by Brenton Tarrant in New Zealand. Three lonely men who found a context and a community in the undergrowth on the web where the alternative truth flourish and which found support in the journey towards putting its policy of murder.”

“We can not outlaw hate. It must be allowed to resent Annie Lööf, the SSU or Aftonhoran.”

“All, however, we have a responsibility for the words we use.”

“We are talking about a societal problem. It may sound pompous, but it is a problem that threatens democracy. A new national disease that the police have become much better at responding.”