7.6 billion people will be living in the beginning of 2019 on the earth – the German Foundation for world population estimates. That would be around 83 million more than the year before. Particularly high growth in Africa.

To the end of the year will live, according to estimates by the German Foundation for world population (DSW) to about 7.6 billion people on the earth. The are around 83 million people more than in the previous year, and about so many people, as is currently the case in Germany, have lived, said the Foundation in Hannover.

Strong increase in Africa

Particularly strong and the population is growing in Africa. On the African continent, the population, according to UN will double-calculations from the current 1.3 billion people to a projected 2.5 billion people by the year 2050, approximately. By 2100 the population of Africa will likely grow by another two billion to around 4.5 billion people.

a High number of unwanted births

“A main cause of population growth in Africa South of the Sahara, the high number of unwanted births,” said DSW Executive Director Renate Bähr. Because every second woman could not prevent, even though you want to. The result is that women receive on average one more child than they wanted.

reasons are lack of education, contraception, as well as no good health care and a lack of equality of women.

The international German Foundation for world population uses according to the company, with projects in Africa to ensure that young people get access to education and contraception. It calls for a human right to family planning and wants to contribute to a sustainable population development.

world population report: experts warn against poverty through children, wealth, 17.10.2018 of Every five people in the EU at risk of poverty, 16.10.2018 Atlas |Germany |Hannover

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