Politically and economically, Venezuela is in crisis. Tens of thousands have fled to Panama, 400 at the world youth day pilgrimage there. You can rely on support from the Pope.

tears flow when you worship with Venezuelan pilgrims. The young believers pray at the beginning of the world youth day in Panama for their crisis-stricken country, where Hunger and disease are rife.

Young monks hold a banner, an end to the dictatorship demands: “We want Venezuelans to us the turn! We are tired, no longer endure it, to live without freedom, and to be suppressed. From the looks of it at the Moment, there will be violence. I want to not Serious, I hope nothing happens.”

in Front of the Church in Panama was the center of a new group from Venezuela, a hits: Six young believers from Barquisimeto. About 400 pilgrims have made it to Panama. At the last Latin American world youth day in Rio de Janeiro, there were still 6000.

Only 400 pilgrims were able to afford the trip to Panama many, it is only through donations.

With donations to Panama

the crisis in The Catholic Venezuela, Hyperinflation, make the journey almost impossible, explains Wilmaris Amaro: “A Venezuelan who earns the minimum wage of six dollars a month, can not afford such a trip. For us six it was only possible, because our priest has started a fundraiser. We are six, but we know that thousands stand behind each and every who wish this dream to life. We will pray that nobody has to flee from our country.”

The pilgrims of hope “for an end to the tyranny”. The most difficult was to get a visa. Panama’s hospitality to Venezuelans is cooled.

Against the dictatorship, Venezuelans protesting on the edge of the world youth day.

started Since the mass Exodus of about one and a half years, visa. Therefore, Darwin lived for five months without valid papers. With odd jobs the 25-year-old graphic designer keeps above water. On the world youth day, he sells phone cards to the pilgrims-special price: “I hope that Pope Francis does something for us. But, unfortunately, he has recently stated that he does not want to interfere in Venezuela’s problems. But he is a facilitator of the peace, so he should do something.”

million Venezuelans have already fled, most to the neighboring country of Colombia, and 100,000 of them to live according to official data, in Panama. But it is likely to be far more, because many – such as Darwin – illegally.

Venezuelan refugees and pilgrims to pray for a free country.

Between the stick and hope

Perhaps the Pope for these refugees could achieve something, in hopes of Thais Castillo. The beautician has fled with her three children overnight, because the major’s daughter was arrested during the street protest in 2017, and then tortured. Also Castillo is pinning its hopes on Pope Francis: “it would be best if the Pope were to come to Venezuela. I hope he achieved something for us that the Panamanians have more understanding for us. Finally, we did not go voluntarily.”

Venezuela will save, sing to the pilgrims of world youth day, on the policy not is beside the point.

Venezuelan refugees and pilgrims in Panama
Anne-Katrin Mellmann, ARD Mexico
23.01.2019 08:05 PM

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