Friday night will be the first ‘X Factor’-liveshow sent, but if you ask the viewers are TV2 far from come clean from the start.

It is pouring namely into the complaints on TV2’s Facebook page. Here you write more, that they are far from satisfied with the sound during tonight’s live show. More call the even the sound of the ‘disgraceful’, ‘miserable’ and ‘rings’.

‘Damn it is bad sound – seriously? Now, you know why we pay the license for DR writing.

‘I Wonder whether or not TV2, will lend lydfolkene from DR … what, however, a terrible sound on the X-Factor’, writes another.

Film, tv & radio – 1. mar. 2019 – at. 07:21 ‘X Factor’contestant can score the box

‘Get a handle on the sound in the X Factor. It’s damn a ommer TV2′, says a third.

‘Maybe ku’ In just call to the DR again and ask how to make a sound for such a X-Factor Live Show?’, write a fourth.

Tonight’s show was also kicked off something alternatively again. Best as Oh Country girl group Echo was gone in the time with their action, they had stopped again, because you could not hear their song at home in the living rooms.

– We will stop you right, girls. There are problems with the sound. It is the first time here, it sounded from Sofie Linde, before the girls were set in once again and had to start all over again.

– It was really good to come again, for it is not easy when it starts, how it sounded from the famous and best-selling immediately after.

Danish celebrity – 1. mar. 2019 – at. 15:53 ‘X Factor’judge had to break with rockervenner

For Ekstra Bladet told the Echo they were confused over the problems with the sound.

We came on to the stage and was just ready and keen that now we must do everything we can. As soon as I had sung my piece, and Emma begins, then stops the music in our in-ears. We were like a little ‘shall we sing on’?, says Mathilde.

– We come to my piece and suddenly stops the music just, I thought, what’s happening, but we continued on until Sofie came in, ” says Emma on.

the Girls are still of good courage, despite the hard start.

– I think, frankly, that it was so bad. We were not at all nervous, I did not in the least. It was just such a, we take the just again, says Tanne.

– We were so satisfied and came running screaming down from the stage and was ecstatic. We were shown Denmark what we can, and there will be more of it, she says further.

the Extra Leaf is working to get a comment from TV2 in connection with the bad sound.

Film, tv & radio – 1. mar. 2019 – at. 10:01 Wild prize for ’the X Factor’-the winner