Sexforskning for dummies: Swingers are more open to sex than monogamous.

It is one of the not very surprising findings of a scientific study, which, however, also has a few points of slightly less obvious nature.

the Study looks closely at how the (sex-)personality hangs together with the people’s choice of relationship. Have different views on sex, if you are a swinger in an open relationship or is a strict monogam?

Yes, is the short answer.

It is a little longer sounds like this:

Who participated 447 monogamous, 80 in the open relationship, 62 polyamorøse as well as 62 swingers in the studio.

they completed The various questionnaires, which highlight their so-called socioseksualitet and their erotofobi/erotofili.

one has an open socioseksualitet, if, for example, you can easily have sex without emotion, have great sexual desire, believe that you can enjoy sex for sex’s own sake, has many sex partners, etc. Also you are erotofil, if, for example, you’ll notice many sexual signals, and the teeth on them. Erotofob it is so the opposite.

We also examined whether participants see sex as a samhørighedsoplevelse, where you can melt together with his partner.

See also: From arranged marriage to the club

And it turned out that the swingers have the most instrumentaliserede (sex as primarily a physical pleasure), and open approach to sex, while people in open relationships are a little less, while the monogamous is relatively less erotifile and less sexglade.

on the other hand, all groups very much agree with statements such as: ‘When the sex is the best, it is like two souls that melt together’, and ‘sex is the closest form of communication between people.’

Here you can test your sexholdninger, which is a part of your socioseksualitet. In the test you should indicate how much you agree in the following questions. the

your total score is low, you probably have an open socioseksualitet and thus perhaps ready to open your relationship. Is the contrast high, you certainly monogam.

Are you still hungry for more, you can here test your more experience – and activity-oriented socioseksualitet. In the test you must unfortunately make the calculations.

Previously, we could tell about another study in which u.s. researchers have had a hold of 1177 persons in monogamous relationships, and 510 in non-monogamous relationships and asked them about the sex life and cohabitation.

The polyamorøse were more satisfied with both sex and cohabitation than the monogamous. They had not, however, more likely to have got orgasm at most recent sex than monogamous, but it was more likely that they had had sex during the past two days (48 percent vs. 37 percent).

Swingers were most satisfied sexually, were more likely to have had orgasm at most recent sex (92 percent versus 78 percent of a monogamous). It was also more likely that swingers had had sex the past two days in relation to the monogamous (79 percent vs. 37 percent). But in contrast to the polyamorøse they were not more satisfied with the relationship than the monogamous.

People in the open relationship, where you have a primary girlfriend and allow sex outside the relationship under certain rules, had not essentially different sex life in relation to monogamous. The same orgasm – and sexfrekvens, the same satisfaction with sexual arousal, but less satisfaction with the relationship.

In other words, many non-monogamous more sex and more satisfying sex.

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Ekstra Bladet has spoken with a few, the Tilde and Jesper, both in the 30’s and from Aarhus. about their kinky sex life, which at Vdcasino first sight seems quite ordinary and full of love:

– We have sex about two-three times a week. We think not really, we have experienced periods of time where one does not want. We have shown both a reasonable good sexdrive. We want to define our relationship as safe, harmonious and very kærlighedsfyldt, says Jesper to

– We have not been swingers from the beginning, but fairly early on in our relationship I began to tell the Tilde on my past within this environment, as I had a bit of experience with, says Jesper.

Tilde had at this time no experience with it, but a curiosity and desire to explore the area more. They began, therefore, to speak a lot about desires and fantasies and be able to quickly notice that they both turned to explore this area together:

– We decided therefore to visit a club. Before we left, we talked a lot about what we wanted out of the experience, what was allowed and not allowed, etc. We ended up having a really good and naughty trip down there and went a few more times, without, however, completely to achieve it, we really would like, explains the Tilde.

therefore, They have now a profile on, which they have used to find a partner for their past experience.

We had long talked about finding an extra man for the Tilde, but not really done anything about it. But one Saturday afternoon, we came to talk about it again and looked at, without that it was more. Later in the day we went out to eat. During dinner, we could both feel the desire for a naughty experience was still there. We went home, opened a bottle of wine and went on to again, says Jesper.

the Agreement is that it is an extra man, they are looking for, it is Jan who has the contact, and vice versa.

So I stood for the search and got quite fast contact with a man who I felt was the right one, says Jesper.

They agreed on the details, the Tilde was not so much to know, besides, that this man would show up later in the evening. They enjoyed themselves with conversation, wine and music:

the Mood in the air was thick with anticipation and horniness. Shortly before the guest arrived, the Tilde ordered in lædernederdel and stilettos, got the blindfold on and laid on his stomach on the bed.

Then there was a knock on the door, and the Tilde will be able to hear Jesper take against the guest, who shortly after entered the bedroom. The guest had been told that everything was permitted, except kiss on the mouth.

– It seems we are intimate and private, so it we keep for ourselves. The guest then used the Tilde, as he felt like it. He had been told, that maybe I would participate, maybe not, says Jan, who chose to participate solely as a photographer and took pictures and video clips of the Tilde, which were taken both in fissen and ass of a strange and dark man.

It was a very sexy feeling to be taken by a stranger with the knowledge that one’s girlfriend recorded the whole session. I had throughout the course of the blindfold on and never saw the guest, which was also very titillating and racy, says Tilde.