you Have presented to the political scientist, Claude Longchamp, a box of wine?
I have not. But I share his view that the political landscape becomes more polarized, and the CVP is the only state-bearing party.

So he has delivered them to the campaign slogan.
I note that the population has increasingly had enough of the progressive polarization. The policy is expected to be more than that, she insists on maximum solutions. The failed reforms of this legislature to show that it needs a strong centre party.

a contradiction to The fact that the new CVP with the Opposition toying. They announced that the Federal Council templates increasingly to reject and in the Council of States to rebuild.
This is the challenge of a mid-party: on the one Hand, we are obliged to mediate between the political Camps and to deliver results. On the other hand, we are obliged to develop a clear profile. We must not bend programmatically so that we can take part in everything. This also applies to the government: The CVP has a seat and has to feel in the future, a little less responsible for the policy of the Federal Council.

“The Federal Council brought the proposals, which he himself believed.”

your answer shows a CVP Problem: on the one Hand, state-supporting, on the other hand, a little more Opposition. You don’t know exactly what it is now.
The concept of Opposition, we do not use. But do see about the control template 17: The SVP can be your Minister of Finance, hanging, and also in the FDP and the SP, there is resistance. Only the CVP was fully committed to the Federal Council template. If, however, the self-government act increasingly as a party of soldiers, and less and less a solution to some, not to take such a policy.

Can you supply an example?
In the Federal government, it is becoming less and less willingness to agree on a Position. It was in the implementation of the immigration initiative and in the field of pensions: The Federal Council brought proposals which he believed. He called on the Parliament implicitly, to do otherwise. Usually it is not good. Also in the framework agreement, the Federal Council has no clear stance. To be expected of the parties, a majority of the eligible consensus is illusory, if not once, the Federal Council can afford it.

If the CVP is the only state defined load-bearing party, then what is to happen with the FDP, which claimed this title for themselves?
The FDP, her state will assume responsibility is less and less. An example: it has diluted with the SVP, the CO2 act, so that it fell in the national Council. Also in the field of pensions and of the energy transition I am experiencing the FDP, as always, harder and more uncompromising than in the past.

does not Depend on this assessment, the CVP is cooperating more than in the past, such as in the case of the pension scheme, with the SP? Christian Levrat hopes, however, that the CVP loses in the elections.
In the national Council by its most common coalitions from the SVP, FDP and CVP, especially in economic issues. What is true, however: If the SVP insists on an ideological Position, we are looking for occasional majorities and solutions with the SP. However, also the party chief of the polarization of strong feed making: The framework agreement, Mr Levrat is the hardness and Rigidity close to the SVP.

How it is actually to the ecological price of the CVP, now where is your Minister for the environment Doris Leuthard is on the way? You kept the party is often on course.
The resignation of Mrs Leuthard will not cause us to deviate from our ecological principles. The CVP advocates for the preservation of creation, and economy-friendly way. Simonetta Sommaruga is advised as Leuthards successor to good to put in the environmental policy, not left and anti-business accents. Otherwise, you will find in the Parliament majorities.

Why stay with the CVP of electoral success, if it is according to your description of the constructive force between the blocks?
I am confident that we will increase in the autumn of the voters share. The strategy for 2019 is based on more profile to the outside world and structural reforms against the inside. During profiling, we are on course, the group occurs in the closed than in the past. Within the party we have organized a strong federalist. We need to rebuild a lot and do that. Because election campaigns are increasingly conducted on a national.

excuse me, but you remind me a little of a itinerant that is the Situation better than it is. In the cantonal parliaments, the CVP lost since 2015, a total of 29 seats.
I said, in 2016 when I took office as party President, the Turnaround will take time. Our project is therefore called “CVP 2025” until then, we want to have at the national level substantially. The results in the cantons are also better than the bare Figures reflect. In the last four cantonal elections, we have either won seats in the government or in Parliament, or we have to submit to the voters interests.

“Ms. Amherd will modernize the VBS.”

How big is your Anger that the rest of the members of the Viola Amherd forced in the defense Department (VBS)?
It is mainly a Chance for the VBS, for the First time a woman has headed by a civilian view of the Department. Ms. Amherd will make the very good and the Department is modernizing. In addition, the VBS is not a B-Department of security and national defence are essential. What worries me, however, is how the Department of distribution has been concluded, The Federal Council required two sessions, and had, apparently, vote. This is a bad Start for the new panel and shows how to use the concordance in the Bundesrat small is appreciated.

To hold the Viola Amherd on the Plan of the Federal Council, and the new fighter jet along with the air defence raise, or you should split the business, such as the calls for the CVP?
you will not do anything rash. But it may well be that it is fragmenting the business to the circuit, and the Federal Council. The link overloads the package and leads to the great risk is that the Jets fail again. In the consultation it rained because criticism of the Federal Council’s template.

a Lot of criticism has to corners of the Federal Council because of his Non-opinion on the framework agreement once. What is the attitude of the CVP?
Also, when I criticize the Federal Council because of the indecisive attitude, I acknowledge that he has reached the extension of the exchange of equivalence. This gives us time to consider the outcome of the negotiations deepened. The CVP will do that at the group retreat this weekend. That the Union citizens Directive was not explicitly excluded, is wrong. Also, we need to find ways that can strengthen the sovereignty of Switzerland against decisions of the arbitration court, the ECJ, or the joint Committee.

Has opportunities in the agreement at all political?
The social partners are not behind this. Without them, no Europe, however, is to win a political vote. In the present Form, I believe the agreement is, therefore, neither is acceptable even for a majority. It needs additions and improvements. But even then, it remains, for me, completely open the question of whether an agreement among the parties that want to maintain the bilateral track, it will be possible.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 18.01.2019, 09:14 PM