applicable to put it mildly) special rules for politicians, who have tightened the rules for people on sickness benefit.

A member of parliament should at no time present so much as the shadow of a medical certificate, if they are on long-term sick leave.

‘It is not usual practice to obtain evidence regardless of sygeorlovens length,’ informs the Parliamentary administration.

Policy News-in-documentation-hell: Politicians think only of themselves

Thus can mps be long-term sick, with the full monthly salary of 55,000 kr. without having to move himself down at the job center.

This stands in stark contrast to the situation for ordinary danes, who is on sick leave from their job over a longer period of time.

– It is just legally smart, if folketingspolitikerne can get rid of to be rolled into a system which they have adopted to apply to all other reads it from Nanna Mørch, who is a political consultant in the FOA .

– We find that many of our people members of the hunted game. The contact they have with the job center, many people make feel mistænkeliggjort, she says.

Are you on sick leave over a longer period of time, you become part of the sygedagpengesystemet, where the local authority has a duty to assess whether it is still unable to work.

An assessment, typically performed by the job center take a conversation with the people, continuously seek lægedokumentation and possibly have a dialogue with the employer.

the Parliamentary administration confirms to Ekstra Bladet that the mps are not covered by the rules for sickness benefits.

Extra Magazine would like to hear how much trouble you have had with documentation of your illness to your employer or your job centre?

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the Rules in the area was tightened in 2014 of a majority in Parliament. At this time, Mette Frederiksen (S) minister for employment.

Where you had previously you are entitled to a sickness benefit to 52 weeks, within it should be assessed if you meet one of the criteria to get extended performance, was the period now set down at 22 weeks.

– Sygedagpengereglerne is really tough, since the reform is introduced. If the Parliamentary rules differ so much from them, as it seems, it does not seem fair, says Nanna Mørch.

the Debate on the politicians ‘ relationship has flared up with the Extra Magazine in the disclosure of, to the Left-the lion Jakob Engel-Schmidt earn eftervederlag, while he is working during his ‘private leave’.

He has also been on fully-paid sick leave in nine months.

It was after the revelation that he had been the cannon of narkokørsel.

Engel-Schmidt provide to Ekstra Bladet, that he voluntarily presented a medical certificate to the Danish Parliament in connection with the sygeorlovens beginning of the year.

Journalist James Kristoffer Miles expounds here the case of Jakob Engel-Schmidt, eftervederlag. Producer: Kristian Hansen


Harsh criticism from both wings Pelle Dragsted. Photo: Nanna Navntoft

From both sides of the folketingssalen sounds that criticism of the rules for politicians ‘ sick leave.

– It is an example of the politicians to legislate and implement some reforms, which hits ordinary people pretty hard, but they are not even subject to the consequences, says Pelle Dragsted, Unity finansordfører.

– It is both unfair and problematic. The politicians should show more empathy compared to the consequences of the reforms they are implementing, he continues.

At the DF seems Peter Skaarup also, that it is quite wrong that the politicians do not have the same documentation requirements by disease, as ordinary danes.

– At this point, there is a need for a tightening up, as it is the case in relation to that you can get eftervederlag, while at the same time you are secured in a second job, says DF’eren.

It has not been possible to get a comment from finance minister Kristian Jensen (V).