In the proceedings against the former national security adviser to US President Donald Trump, Michael Flynn, has been announced today, Tuesday, by a Federal court in Washington, the criminal mass.

At the start of the sentencing judge Emmet Sullivan said in the address of Flynn’s: “you may have betrayed your country.” The judge could not hide his “disgust” and “contempt” for the crimes of Flynn’s. After a short break, the judge corrected his statement: He did not want to suggest that Flynn had betrayed his country. Finally, the judge was, surprisingly, a request from Flynn’s lawyers and postponed the pronouncement of the judgment.

When Leaving the court, protesters: “Lock him up called!” Flynn should be put behind bars. A bitter irony: it Was Flynn, who during the election campaign as the only Exponent in Trumps Team the “Lock her up!”Call against Hillary Clinton actively cheered and the Trump supporters cried: “Yes, exactly, that’s right, a punching you!”

The protesters in front of the court should, however, be disappointed: Generally, it is expected that Flynn comes with no prison sentence. FBI special investigator Robert Mueller had also advised the Outset, to imprison Flynn. The lawyers at Flynn’s had requested a suspended sentence of not more than one year with minimal Supervision, and 200 hours of community service.

to Make a false statement had known a year ago guilty with a Russian Ambassador to

Flynn, the FBI-to have interviews with intentionally false information about contacts with the former Russian Ambassador to the USA Sergey Kisljak. With Kisljak Flynn spoke in December 2016 illegally on US sanctions against Moscow and an upcoming vote on a UN Resolution on Israel’s settlement policy. Trump had already won the presidential election, in the office of his predecessor, Barack Obama was but still.

Through his contacts with Kisljak Flynn rushed in the end. He was only 24 days Trumps National security adviser – shorter than everyone in front of him in the office. He joined at 13. February 2017, after he had to admit, to have Vice-President Mike Pence about his conversations with the Russian Ambassador lied to.


Flynn has granted also to the judicial authorities, gives false information to a project, in which he acted prior to his appointment as safety adviser on behalf of the Turkish government. Because of these allegations was charged on Monday against two business partners Flynn’s charge of “illicit agent activity” for the Turkish government. The aim was to the satisfaction of the public Prosecutor’s office, concealed efforts to find a delivery of the preacher Fethullah Gulen to Turkey.

Mueller had highlighted the “significant support” Flynn’s in its investigations. Mueller examines, among other things, whether there has been in the presidential campaign of 2016, the collusion of the Trump camp with representatives of Russia. Trump rejects it and speaks of a “witch-hunt”.

last Wednesday, a Federal court in New York had sentenced the former lawyer for trump, Michael Cohen, to a three-year prison sentence. Cohen had given to, among other things, to have the Congress at its Russia-investigations in connection with a planned construction project Trumps in Moscow lied to. In court, Cohen said, he saw it as his duty to cover up Trumps “dirty deeds”.


Created: 18.12.2018, 19:33 PM