With a new strategy, the authorities in Brazil against drug gangs. The alleged Criminal can be shot down by snipers from the distance.
“they are already in use, but it is not talked about,” said the Governor of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Wilson Witzel, on Sunday, the newspaper “O Globo”.
Witzel is a supporter of the radical right-wing heads of state, Jair Bolsonaro and, since January in the office. In the newspaper “Estado de S. Paulo” announced Witzel its relentless strategy against the drug gangs is: “The Right to kill a bandit who carries a gun. And the police will do the Right thing: It is going to take his head in your crosshairs and fire!”
According to the official police statistics, were killed in January and February of 305 people by police officers. This is an increase of 17.6 percent compared to the same period last year. “Pay no concern to me. I have confidence in the police,” said the 51-year-old former judge Witzel, the power of his own ambitions for the presidency no secret.
O sniper, que já está sendo usado nas operações policiais, é utilizado de forma absolutamente sigilosa. Expliquei em entrevista aos jornais @OGlobo_Rio e o @jornalextra que o protocolo é claro: se algum bandido está com fuzil tem que ser neutralizado de forma letal imediata mente pic.twitter.com/5g8RIi0L7s
— Wilson Witzel (@Wilson Witzel) 31. March 2019
The 64-year-old Bolsonaro is also the first since January in the office. His Minister for state security, Ex-General Augusto Heleno, had already announced prior to his arrival, the use of snipers against armed Criminals. Rio de Janeiro’s impoverished “Favela”neighborhoods are regularly places of the war, the battle of similar clashes between heavily armed drug traffickers and security forces. In the whole of Brazil were registered in the past year, 63.880 murders.
human rights activists challenge the legality of the measures in question. The permit, each shot may be Armed without immediate risk to life to shoot, was an “attack on Brazilian and international law,” said Amnesty International in November. The result will only be an escalation of the violence . (nag/AFP)
Created: 31.03.2019, 20:42 PM