The 15-year-old Swede, Greta Thunberg has become in the past few months, a figurehead of the climate movement: In August, they had decided not to go to school, to their country to meet the objectives of the Paris climate agreement. With a poster, on the “school strike for the climate”, she sat down for a week – preferably on Fridays – in front of the Swedish Parliament.

Now, Thunberg directly addressed the delegates: “For the past 25 years, countless people in the world have peaks climate the leaders of our States asked to stop the emissions. This has obviously brought nothing.” And it is even clearer: “The only Sensible thing to do would be to pull the emergency brake, but you’re not even Mature enough to tell you the truth,” accuses the politicians in their speech in Poland at the summit. (The whole speech in the Video).

Friday is a day of protest

the example of the protests of Greta Thunberg in the run-up to the summit had made school: many of the World’s people supported the Protest of the student. Many imitators, has in the action in Australia, Where thousands of pupils went on the road instead of to school, because Australia is one of the countries with the worst CO?-The balance of the world. Last Friday, the students with protests and school strikes in several German cities were demonstrating for more climate protection. Environmental groups supported the actions.

UN approves summit rules for climate protection

The world climate summit, has decided after two weeks of tough negotiations, a comprehensive set of rules for climate protection. It is to help the global warming and fatal consequences, such as droughts, storms, heavy rain and Flooding to curb.

by 196 States and the EU, approved document stipulates that all countries must regularly report how much greenhouse gases to emit, and what you can do about it.

UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, spoke Sunday of a “solid” result but warned to be more ambitious when it comes to climate protection. He invited for September to a large UN Meeting in which the heads of state and government to confess.

As a conference President Michal Kurtyka on Saturday evening reached an agreement with one blow of the hammer announced, there was a plenary round of applause and cheering. “This is a historic Moment,” said Kurtyka. 24. UN climate change conference in Katowice was supposed to on Friday. Because of the continuing points of dispute, the completion was delayed several times.

The 130-page rule book, puts the as a historically classified the Paris climate agreement by 2015. The aim is to limit global warming to below two degrees compared to pre-industrial times.

the emissions of greenhouse gases must be reduced from the combustion of coal and Oil in the coming years drastically. Now earth has warmed according to the Findings of the world climate the IPCC, by about a degree.

comparability and transparency

comparability and transparency are important, given that the Paris agreement is based on mutual trust. There are no sanctions when countries come forward. Especially the peer pressure to keep everyone on course.

environmental groups were in on Sunday night dissatisfied and called for more climate protection and solidarity with poor countries. Greenpeace-Boss, Jennifer Morgan pointed out that some entire Nations, the threat of Sinking in the sea, and thus the “obliteration”. “A year of climate disasters, and urgent warnings from the best scientists in the world should have lead to a lot more.”

From the point of view of the Switzerland-sufficient

in Total, were adopted 20 resolutions and guidelines, which clarify the implementation of the climate protection agreement of Paris. According to the assessment of the Swiss Delegation to the set of rules is sufficient to ensure the effective implementation of the Paris climate agreement, and for the necessary transparency, informed the Federal office for the environmental (FOEN) on Saturday evening.

The Swiss Delegation with the decisions overall, satisfied but not euphoric, as head of delegation and Ambassador Franz Perrez at the request of the news Agency Keystone SDA said.

Perrez welcomed expressly that the clarification of the emission reductions for all countries, legally binding rules could have been adopted, both the major economic Nations as well as the emerging countries need to keep. “This is a great success”. In addition, had been found in relation to the technical Review extremely workable rules.

No agreement in the emissions trading

could Not some of the States, on the other hand, the for Switzerland important issue of emission reductions achieved abroad. No rules have not been adopted, since Brazil disagreed with the exclusion of the double counting of emission reductions, and thus a Central principle of the Treaty of Paris resisted.

“From our point of view, but it is good that in the end, no, instead of a bad decision was made, because the rules for decades to stay in power,” said Perrez. With the outcome of the conference in Katowice, is in the opinion of the WWF’s good work. Ironically, the Chapter on the controversial trade in climate certificates, however, remained open, said the environmental organization. Switzerland, as one of the few countries to be very strong on these certificates, instead of the oil and to reduce consumption of natural gas in the country.

time is of The essence

The years 2015 to 2018 weather organization according to analyses of the World in Geneva, the four warmest since records began in the 19th century. Century. And the 20 warmest were in the past 22 years. It goes on as in the past, we are living the end of this century, in a three-degree warmer world.

Controversial issues around financial aid from the richer countries for the poorer were in Katowice. It was decided: The donor countries will have to specify in General, what help do you want to give.

The next UN climate summit meeting in Chile, according to data of the Ministry of the environment in either December 2019 or January 2020. (red)

Created: 16.12.2018, 20:36 PM