An agreed meeting between the two youtubere ended Thursday evening in riots in the central Alexanderplatz in the heart of Berlin.

There was great wonder in the police, since a larger group of young people by the authorities was estimated at 400, late in the afternoon began to gather on the square, writes several German media, among other things, BZ.

Two cops ended up getting hurt by the bataljen, which occurred as a result of threats and angry words between the two so-called youtubere.

For the uninitiated, the persons in the social media of the same name, they are different in the show have gathered a greater number of individuals who follow their channel on Youtube and watching their videos.

The one who calls himself ‘ThatsBekir’, live in Stuttgart, but had on Thursday convened a joint meeting in Berlin. He followed 260.000 persons.

The other party to the proceedings to call themselves ‘Bahar Al Amood’, and he followed 13,000.

Ahead was the two come up to each other’s throats on social media, where among other things, they had called each other for ludersøn – a word that in the special indvandrerkredse is difficult offensive.

Why had the ‘Bahar Al Amood’ warned the opposing party to come to Berlin.

Late in the afternoon troppede therefore, first a følgerskare to ‘Bahar Al Amood’ up on Alexanderplatz. A big part of the family members to youtuberen, which according to BZ is member of Berlin big clans with Arabic background.

– He (‘ThatsBekir’, red.) have violated our family, said one of the young attendees to the Berlin paper’s correspondent.

Shortly after appeared as ‘ThatsBekir’ up on the square in the company of a bearded man, which according to BZ’s research should act as a mediator.

Watch the video from the bataljen here, here and here.

Shortly after broke a fight out between the two youtubere:

– You know, you have offended my family. You know that when it comes to family, so there is no nonsense. So it’s all about the honour’, said Al Amood to the other party before he began to dish out blows.

the Police have a temporary police station, which is installed in some containers on the square, and here were followed closely in the events.

In connection with the escalation moved the ushers out with the stick and pepper spray ready.

Here was a cop injured. A little later dispersed the attendees, and a good 20 of them ran to the nearby U-bahnhof, where they gave themselves to throw with the crushed stone that supports railroad tracks, it was reported subsequently from the police.

a Further 50 officers were summoned before the tumult had subsided an hour later.

a Good two dozen people were arrested in connection with the case.