What happens when a powerful Greek deity with the help of a powerful computer radiation, twelve of water from the lake out choreographed? A work of art with the name of Aquaretum: Twelve chrome steel balls, three at each corner of the huge square in front of the port Close. From each bullet a jet of water shoots upwards, the twelve rays are dancing with each other – it’s like water ballet, water ballet dancing.

What is offered here: a moist of Pas de douze.

The one ball per corner stands for the acceleration, the speed and the distance. Poseidon’s directing, great God of the earthquake, twelve fountains dance out the seismic power of the earth’s surface. In real time, coupled to the main computer of the Swiss seismological service at ETH Zurich. What we see there is no main sample, it is a preview. Because the choreography of the Aquaretums will never repeat, no dance is like the other elegant, they all are. These include Ravel’s “Jeux d’eau” plays in the back of the head, in an endless loop.

By pressing a button, Poseidon turns a

Tomorrow, Wednesday, will occur this ballet for the first Time to the Public, on Zurich’s greatest and most versatile stage, the lake of Zurich. The Zürich Versicherungs-Gesellschaft AG financed the new Aquaretum, as it has already financed the old, on the occasion of its anniversary, more than twenty years ago. Last week she gave an exclusive sneak preview for the readers of the “Tages–Anzeiger”.

The Aquaretum the Zurich architects Fischer Architekten AG have designed, together with the Zurich-based sound artist Andres Bosshard. An employee of the architecture firm is not under the canopy of the boat rental, so that the mobile phone is wet. In the rain the water like moving mercury appears. Before the boat rental, the moored boats are dancing nervously on the lake, keep to no choreography.

Clear up to the crown of the head

By pressing a button it starts the Installation, the twelve stainless steel balls, pumps with full water, a total of ten tons, sink slowly to the lake level, then the water starts the game. Poseidon is now switched on. The twelve rays grow slowly and reverently, in the amount of up to thirty meters, you shoot in the sky. One aspect of art consists in the pumping technique, the turbulence shoots the water almost free from the stainless steel balls – the beam remains just below the apex, clear and pure, then he is decomposed. He forms a slowdown in movements from the underworld in thick drops, increasing the activity under the ground, in a fine Spray high above the water.

acceleration, speed and distance find your dance equivalent. The rays are formulas – and you will immediately see, when you have the eye for it. “Very mathematical”, Jesse Fraser and Cohen Aitchison-Dugas. The two dancers of the Zurich ballet see more Parallels to your profession. Such that a beam alone represents only a little, “it is only the Interaction of all the water jets created something Beautiful”. Just like in the ballet.

Trailer – Emergence: Emergence – Zurich ballet.

Dance it subsides in moments, in which the seismic activity and then re-builds. Come together, unite, apart, separation, “typical elements of the ballet,” Fraser and Aitchison-Dugas agreed. The beams move as the body, in turn, have run into serious trouble. With a huge difference: The jets of water do not make mistakes. Later, the dancer Videos, Opera house productions, to which they feel spontaneously reminded of: “distance” by Filipe Portugal, as well as “Emergence” by Crystal Pite.

Trailer – Corpus – Zurich ballet.

Depending on the angle the water is in the lake basin is quite different. Three-dimensional, and with a lot of depth, or the slim and very vertical. Maurice Ravel wrote his piece “Jeux d’eau” is a quote by the writer Henri de Régnie: “river God laughs, because the water tickles”. If Poseidon is also ticklish? (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 13.05.2019, 16:38 PM