It was a worthy contrast: The new FDP Federal councillor and Minister of justice, Karin Keller-Sutter, presented in Bern, the benefits of the new, accelerated asylum procedure. This Friday, come into force today. Practically at the same time, the Zurich-based Director of Security Mario Fehr (SP) moved to a separate media conference in Zurich against the Federal government and, in particular, against Keller-Sutter from the leather. The new head of the justice and police Department, since 56 days in office, hoping for Fehr in the implementation of Deportations more assistance than in the past. “In particular, with regard to the countries of origin are Algeria, Morocco, Ethiopia, and Eritrea, we find that the Federal result delivers moderately much too little,” said Fehr. Concern of the case of the hate preacher from Winterthur To prepare him-Only mosque, one of the Ethiopians.

Ethiopia is a readmission agreement, but in everyday life this does not apply. The controversial Imam sits until the beginning of April at the Zurich airport. Then he, as of today, it must be released. There is the danger that the man could dive in Switzerland, Fehr said. “Karin Keller-Suter needs to make the Ethiopian Ambassador clear that the agreement only makes sense if the hate preachers will be back.” Fehr claimed that the Federal councillor on Thursday morning to make this matter to the “boss”. “We are running out of time,” he says.

Regierungsrat Mario Fehr: “We’re running out of time.” Photo: Keystone

The man had called to banish Muslims who did not pray in the community, and to slander, until they returned back to the community. If you do not do this, you would have to be killed. Among other things, therefore, the district court in Winterthur sentenced him to a conditional sentence of imprisonment of 18 months, and ordered 10 years of the country of reference. The Zurich upper court upheld the verdict.

On the edge of your media conference in Bern, Federal councillor Keller-Sutter assured, “that the Federal government take it all, to find in the aforementioned case, a solution”. Be involved in the process, the state Secretariat for Migration (SEM), and the Department of foreign Affairs (FDFA).

Council of States tilting Motion

Thus, it is clear that the authorities at the Federal level, there is no interest in the whereabouts of the 26-Year-olds in Switzerland. How learned, there is currently disagreement about the actual nationality of the man. From safety and cost considerations, the Competent pursued at the Federal the same interests, such as the Zurich authorities, it was said.

The case suggests a plight, the cooks for years. As recently as last summer session of the Council of States sent a Motion to the Bernese SVP national councillor Andrea Geissbühler bachab. The former police officer defendant, at the time, similar to how Mario Fehr – returns were due to a lack of or ineffective agreement in everyday life is often impossible. And this, although the final asylum decisions, or criminal judgments. The Motion required to put in particular with Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia readmission agreements in force. The Council of States rejected the proposal. We share the view of the Motionärin that the conclusion of agreements for the Acquisition of deported foreigners are to strive for. This is the President of the state political Commission, Pascale Bruderer (SP, AG) said. Without the active participation of the individual countries, but no agreements could be concluded. The Federal Council ways and means of, Reverse take-overs were absent unilaterally to enforce.


Karin Keller-Sutter’s predecessor, Simonetta Sommaruga (SP), had described the problem, the Details. They divided the cases into three categories: States with a readmission agreement that works in everyday life; States with an agreement in which in everyday life have little to nothing to work; and States to offer a readmission agreement no. As an example of a state with which an agreement exists, the failed but in everyday life, called Sommaruga Algeria. Algeria location in the concrete case, no police officers available to the deportation of foreign criminals to carry out flights. In contrast, Morocco is regarded as an example for a state that wants no readmission agreement.

Geissbühler, says: “As a police officer, you get to feel this in everyday life. Offenders who are converted, know that you are not made it back.” Eventually the state had to release them from custody, and then you showed up. The resulting risk for the company as prohibitive as the cost.

Less Unruly

refer to it In a other area of the Federal government, meanwhile, is a relief. It is a question of so-called “unruly asylum seekers”. This is not a criminal, but rather to candidates who do not show up within an asylum process with the authorities cooperative. Secretary of state Mario Gattiker, head of the state Secretariat for Migration, held to demand that the Problem with annoying asylum seekers have recently relaxed. There is currently less than at the time of the Arab spring.

After discussions between the cantons and the Confederation was opened at the end of November in the Canton of neuchâtel, a “special center for unruly asylum seekers”. This has, according to Gattiker for the time being 20 places. It was not yet fully established. Is planned to Expand to 60 seats. Despite the relaxed position is still on the search for a center in the German part of Switzerland. Where this come to be, was not yet decided.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 28.02.2019, 22:37 PM