several attacks in Zurich against lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, TRANS people or intersex (LGBTI) have taken care of this summer, the headlines. In may, at the Lochergut, a LGBTI was attacked to Action. In June, three young men attacked close to the Zurich Pride a gay couple physically and in September, two Gay men were beaten on the hirschenplatz. The attacker should have given as the reason “because you’re gay”, reported after a victim.

According to Figures from the Pink Cross have increased physical and verbal attacks in the past few years. The gay organization receives on average four calls per week from people who report such so-called hate crimes. The underreporting of attacks to be significantly higher, are convinced different organizations.

Broadly supported postulate

Reliable Figures but there is no. This wanted to change, Patrick Hadi Huber and Simone Brander (both SP) and received it yesterday in the municipal Council support. The city Council has transferred a corresponding urgent postulate with 98 votes to 13 to the city Council.

Now this is necessary to check up, how LGBTI-hostile aggression on the whole city area can be collected and analyzed. Huber proposes, specifically, the police recorded a crime anyway the subject should note whether an attack from a hatred towards LGBTI people was perpetrated.

in Addition, he calls for together with the Brander that police officers are already aware of the training on this topic. Further, the city government should encourage the governing Council to the fact that the Canton shall take appropriate measures.

Also councillor advertises for concern

security head of the Department, Karin Rykart was ready to take the order. You noticed in the Council, LGBTI enemy attacks were already in the training topic. In addition, an internal information sheet, as such crimes.

Rykarts vote was preceded by a relatively short debate in the Council, with the exception of the SVP, all agreed, there is a need for a solid statistical basis on which to take further measures against such hate crimes. The SVP condemned, although attacks on LGBTI people, but said the Council was wrong Parliament to take measures. You reject the postulate, therefore.

Sven Sobernheim (GLP) held this “flimsy grounds”, the city has a separate police corps and run together with the Canton of a police school. Therefore, this Parliament is exactly the place for these discussions.

David Garcia Nuñez (AL) showed little understanding of the Position of the SVP. To prevent such hate crimes and measures to take against it, it need research. However, this would not be possible if the Numbers are missing. These were to rise slightly to: “It’s a small step for the police, but a big step for the LGBTI Community,” Garcia said Nuñez.

Affected the members of the Council

The debate also revealed just how widespread the Problem of LGBTI enemy attacks. For example, the Homo-marked sexual Marcel Müller (FDP) as he is exposed to in the Zurich road regular verbal attacks. And Simone Brander told how she had also been threatened with a knife, because she had been with a woman on the go.

In contrast to the Zurich city Council, the government showed itself to be not yet ready to capture such hate crimes statistically. At the end of August substantiated in a reply to a parliamentary motion in the cantonal Parliament in order that it was the sexual orientation of particularly sensitive personal data. It is problematic to capture this.

topic in other cantons

Thus, the cantonal government has followed the reasoning of the Federal Council, which was to be in 2017, also against the detection of such Attacks. In addition, the Federal Council said at the time that the collection was too expensive. At the end of September, the national Council of the appropriate Motion of the Zurich BDP national councillor Rosmarie Quadranti has agreed to, however. Next, the Council of States will deal with it.

That Switzerland collects statistical data on racist, homophobic or transphobic motivation of offences, calls on the Secretary General since 2014. In addition to the Zurich proposal submitted last summer in a dozen other cantons with similar claims. In many places, with modest success. However, in the Basel-city Parliament transferred at the end of October a similar concern. “Because we want to catch up in Zurich now,” said Councilwoman Karin Rykart.

Created: 14.11.2019, 07:32 PM