The head of the above put to fly a hockey player life in danger in Russia.Dmitry tutu that swallowed his tongue after he hit the head put. SCREENSHOTS / RT

hobby kiekkoili which the match occurred a life-threatening situation in Russia kstovo in the last Sunday, when the player crashed in the fight and hit his head on the side.

Player name Dmitry tutu configuration , fell to the ice unconscious and no longer breathing.

the Other players noticed immediately the seriousness of the situation, but first aid wasn’t around when the rescue running coach Ivan Orlov , which is a 22-year-old ex-professional hockey player.

Orlov, that the tutu that was in danger.

Dmitri’s jaw was locked. His lips were blue and his mouth will foam, Orlov told the local

tutu that had swallowed his tongue.

RT:n publishing the video shows how one player trying to open his mouth, let his bat on stage.

Young Orlov decisively takes the reins in the situation and began to revive the unconscious Tuturkinia.

I Pressed his chest for so long that he began to breathe. Seven touch after we got started his heart again.

a Moment later the tutu that opened his eyes. Orlov said he had been without breathing for less than a minute.

the tutu that was rushed to the hospital with life-threatening tärskystä survived a hockey player’s condition was stable. The diagnosis was a broken collarbone and ribs.

Orlov told that he had no first aid training, but he had a short hockey career saw several emergency operations. According to press reports, the hero coach is going to be a reward for the exemplary daring exploit.