The criticism was fierce. U.S. President Donald Trump in the past few days in the headlines, because he had a successful career as a building contractor billions in losses. Between 1985 to 1994, he had lost around 1.17 billion dollars, reported the “New York Times”. But he has received in the last few days, a surprising advocate: Nassim Taleb, author of the worldwide bestseller “The black Swan”. In it, he predicted the financial crisis of 2007 – since then, the militant thinkers still causes a stir.

Taleb has earned as a stockbroker, and then a number of successful books written. In a series of Tweets, he sat down in the last few days for Trump – if not, it might have been like. As for Taleb, the Failure is part of the entrepreneurial risk. A founder of the company that did it, would 999 would have the sardines out of a can of food. The Public would perceive only the entrepreneurs who have done it.

There is a need for real entrepreneurs who took a risk and also be ready to suffer private losses. You would create jobs, which then, in turn, the whole of society. Particularly bad is the CEOs of large corporations get away with Taleb. They would not even risk their skin, often have huge Salaries and they would milk the “System”.

Taleb believes that the protection against a new financial crisis is not enough. Still, many managers would bear no risk and the company for the potential losses.

In the past, has expressed Taleb often critical of U.S. intellectuals. That’s why he is not a Fan of the US President. “I do not support any of the President, but only certain political measures,” he says, a few months ago the “Handelsblatt”. So he kept at the time, trump’s aggressive policy towards Iran is just as wrong as its uncritical stance towards Saudi Arabia. (jb) (editorial Tamedia)

Created: 10.05.2019, 20:22 PM