In the Bavarian town of Eichstätt, hang new signs for woman Parking – in bright Pink. The city follows the recommendation of the Munich administrative court, to replace the old blue signs with new, less official-looking,.
With the pink signs and the addition of “please be free” wants to keep the city clear that it is in the Parking lots for Women only a recommendation – so also men without consequences on the marked squares are allowed to Park. “Of course we hope, however, that all road users abide by it,” said a spokesman for the city on Thursday. Previously, the “Danube had reported the courier”.
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lawsuit before the administrative court of man feels by a woman Parking
the Background of the claim of law students from the Rhineland was discriminated against. The 26-Year-old was felt to visit in Eichstätt, from the special Parking spaces for Women where discriminated against and went to court. The Munich-based judge employees by the end of January, but only with the design of the signs – the issue of discrimination remained unanswered. (dpa)