He is, you can tell the good, the best friend of the men on Board the space ship. – Friendly-calm HAL 9000 helps the astronauts of the Discovery in their daily activities. But then it turns out: The on-Board computer is programmed people to get rid of. And even as the Crew realizes, whispers still: “I’m afraid I can’t do that, Dave.” The Machine-like, which man behaves, in its essence, however, cannot deny, has surprised, as in the legendary Science-Fiction Film “2001 – a space Odyssey”, people have always been.

Therefore, it is understandable, if the Internet group Amazon its artificial intelligence, which goes by the code word “Alexa”, is now more emotions added. So he wants you more human. Developers will have the opportunity to give Alexa’s voice a little more color to make you pretty much anything between pleased and miserable sound.

– selling voice-controlled assistant

The raises, as easy to think of, a lot of questions. The will respond, for example, from which Stupidity is a question Alexa then miss brave. Or if you giggle at jokes, mischievous, or maybe just quietly chuckle to. Or presumed to be a fairly important question – how contrite should give, if you can reply again to a question of nothing else than: “I know That, unfortunately, is not.”

Although this is quite common, the voice-controlled assistant as their official job title – a best seller. The temptation is great to get almost a piece of the future into the house. Even if only mundane issues, such as the weather or a recipe. Or the networked speaker uses to fill the shopping list. Spared, after all, the way to the square, to the piece of paper and pen. The Smartphone could also.

progress has been slower than expected

The wizard, which you also find on TVs or in cars, are now quite good at it, to understand what has been said by their owners spoke to them. What is lacking, however, is the realization: What’s that supposed to mean, what was just said? The machine may be hard to do so, the company which is in the meantime more or less secretly people employed, the teachings of the failed request, and the machine said that thing. Too bad, that you had not said that the owners as properly.

Stupid, too, that the progress in the intelligence of the wizard are not as big as the manufacturers had hoped, probably. The age-old dream of machines that communicate at eye level with people, he will long remain just that: a dream. Since Alexa can now be snapped quietly introduced.

Created: 28.11.2019, 19:41 PM