110 companies with several hundred different brands want to be with and play on the swedes ‘ money when the gaming monopoly is abolished. But only 57 of the companies have the gaming board had to give the go-ahead and now take the authority the holidays. A few more licenses will thus not be able to be awarded, and no exemptions or transitional provisions (s) available, greets the authority.

the gaming board, as at the end of the year changes its name to the gaming authority, puts the blame on the many late applications, some as late as this week. The absolute majority of all the applications that came in before the end of October/november have received their permits.

– And we have not yet announced any adverse decision, ” says Nonetheless, the team of press officers My Films.

much additions from the applicant companies, something that pulled out at the time.

Whether any gaming company gone sour to the thoroughly is unclear:

“We have not yet received any lawsuits,” says Hamrén.

When all applications will be prefinished dare she not answer in the moment. The work continues at full strength after the end of the year.

From January 1, will open the Swedish gaming market, previously, in theory, restricted by a state monopoly but that, in practice, been fully open for all foreign companies which offered online games.

The new law means that it requires a gaming license, and all companies must pay 18% tax on gaming surplus. With the license undertakes the gaming companies to adhere to certain rules.

It will require that all players register, the companies will work to prevent gambling addiction and the advertisement must be moderate and must not target children and young people under the age of 18, nor directly to a player that closed itself from the game.

Read more: Over 100 gaming companies fight for the money next year.