Federal agriculture Minister Julia Klöckner has presented the criteria for the new voluntary animal welfare label. It provides for the Standards of the birth of the attitude to the slaughter of the animals and will be awarded in three stages. The criticism of the Label is large: animal rights activists are calling for mandatory labelling and not complain, the rules are stringent enough. the
has presented More space for pigs, less Stress at slaughter and transport conditions – but all only on a voluntary Basis: Federal state Minister of economic Affairs, Julia Klöckner (CDU), on Wednesday, the criteria for the new national animal welfare label. It is to the customer when buying Meat give information on the husbandry conditions of the animal.
The Label will initially apply only to pork – the meat, the German food the most. Stage is planned to be a three-level indicator: Of the entry level (only slightly better conditions) to the Premium (with significant improvements) should all be above the legal minimum standards, and the life of animals from birth to slaughter to make a positive change. So pigs to percent, for example, in the level one 20 level two 47 percent, and in stage three, 100 percent more space. The painful procedure, the anaesthetic-free castration will be prohibited for all stages, the controversial docking of tails is allowed only in exceptional cases, at the lowest level.
animal rights activists criticize the voluntary nature of the Labels
“are fellow creatures of the animals, not disposable goods,” said Klockner. The subject of to go is this, “not only the pet owner, but also trade, catering and consumer”. Buy customers can. the meat is probably at the earliest in the year 2020 – and higher prices The cost for fewer animals in the barn, and improvements in feed, Transport and slaughter, shall pay the customer. Experts predict that the meat of the Animal costs-the initial level of 20 percent.
Klöckner, according to which providers must comply with “mandatory and verifiable” higher animal welfare requirements to be allowed to with the Label on the packaging to advertise. The control to apply the private investigator, the participating establishments once or twice per year to control. Video footage to show numbers also in the case of large Battle, that the animals are no life-signs detect – of the slaughter process is not carried out too quickly.
animal rights activists nevertheless still criticism of the Label. You recognize the necessity of such a sign, calling for a mandatory labelling and not throw Klöckner, the criteria are stringent enough. The Minister of values “, the meat of pigs from poor animal husbandry, rather than to eliminate grievances,” criticized about Greenpeace.