Finland’s Anita Ears having already a third WORLD pronssinsa Bay youth world championships, this time in the 15 km traditional skiing method output.Anita Ear to ski a stunning the world cup. Jarno Kuusinen / AOP

the Ear had medal team in practice throughout the event and make sure the hotel bronze in good time. American challenger Kendall Kramer was left definitively behind about five kilometers.

Two Korvakaan couldn’t do anything. Sweden completely overwhelming, Frida Karlsson take gold muted-border skiing. Even the Norwegian mega promise Helene Fossesholm missed the early tens of seconds away, and paint in as much as to 52.1 seconds.

Ear fight basically silver still about ten kilometers, but in the end Fossesholm got quite easily keep the Finnish rear. The difference in the paint accumulated in the end of six seconds.

the Bronze was for the Ears already the third Bay of the race. Previously, he snatched the medals in the sprint and five. Overall, Finland is now the Bay four medals. Ear bronze direct in addition to Eveliina Piippo profit on Wednesday, ten MM-silver.

Other finns Hanna Ray 28:s, Linnea Halonen 55:p. the josefina to Böök interrupted.