For well over two years, Berlin is arguing about the future of the Institute for Islamic theology at the Humboldt-University. In the center of the Board, the – to the guards as in the case of the five existing University of Islam-institutions, even – about the theological safety of the professors and the curriculum.
How big is the influence of the Advisory Board, was discussed on Monday evening of critics and politicians. “Berlin at HU a Shariah-Institute?”, as formulated by the journalist Lea Rosh, the provocative guiding question for your “Salon” in the Theater coupe at Fehrbelliner Platz.
Burkard Dregger calls for dialogue with liberal a
The assumption that research and teaching could be justified on theological, rigid legal system of Islamic countries based, Rosh from the composition of the Advisory Board. It is dominated by representatives of conservative Islam associations. Representatives of the liberal currents have been invited, neither the HU nor by the Berlin Senate.
For Burkard Dregger, the CDU faction Chairman in the house of representatives, is a cardinal error: The target “that Islam can really arrive in Germany” is misguided, because it presupposes willingness and ability to reform the associations. For this, the state had to bring in the Advisory Board for various ideas together. One of the progressive voices who have applied to actively – and in vain – to take a seat in the Berlin Advisory Board, sat next to Dregger on the Podium: Seyran Ates, the founder of the Ibn Rushd-Goethe mosque in Berlin-Moabit. It was for you to today “is not comprehensible, what a policy, which, for an interest in the” behind the Blockade, said Ates.
Council: councils should integrate for new communities to be open
scientific-Secretary of state Steffen noise (SPD), as a politically responsible person, on the Podium, relying on the requirements of the science Council for the establishment of Islamic theology at state universities, “that is one of the largest associations”. With the five Berlin-based associations in which the majority of mosque communities to organize, began to the Senate, and the University of the negotiations, in the end, only three signed up, however, the agreement on the creation of an Advisory Board. Is excreted also the largest, the Turkish Ditib.
the noise was, however, correct, because the Council spoke in 2010 of the “diversity of forms of organization” of Muslims in Germany, which should be represented on the Advisory Board. The front held by the AfD Deputy Martin Trefzer noise from the audience. In fact, in the recommendation, the boards would have to be “in principle open for new Muslim communities”.
“afraid to raise your voice”
Seyran Ates, however, had opened their liberal mosque in 2017, when the Berlin negotiations were just starting. And the Liberal Islamic Federation (LIB) since 2010, but so far, no mosque in Berlin. The Argument of the liberals that they represented the majority of the municipalities bound Muslims, but they have “afraid to raise your voice”, Ates says, urge the Berlin-based founding – and the other Islam-theology – by.
The Dilemma of a lack of liberal representation Gudrun Krämer, Islamic studies scholar at Freie Universität. But now it is necessary to give to the Institute to Start in the autumn, a fair Chance. Finally, the HU is going to occupy a promising international field of Applicants, the first professorships. You, and not the conservative-dominated Advisory Council be it, given the profile of Islamic theology. “I’m provisionally optimistic that people are appointed, the Union puppets are”, said Krämer.
“New conversations” after three years?
“Nobody must fear, that this Institute is controlled from Ankara”, – assured also noise. He also pointed to two independent, high-school teachers, who are also appointed to the Advisory Board. In order to obtain a Two-thirds majority for a Veto, would have to convince the Union representatives of the Independent. In addition, the Statute provides for an Evaluation after three years. “If it turns out that associations block with their Veto the work, we will lead new talks,” said Krach.
More about
Humboldt-Universität 5.5 million euros from the Federal government for the Berlin-based Islam-theology
Amory Burchard
Who is currently appointed to the Advisory Board, remains to be seen. According to reports, the examination of the members-designate of the Constitution is not complete protection.