Madam clerk, you work as a psychotherapist in private practice, married, and multiple Grand-mother. Why have you written a book about her past as a prostitute?
I would not even come up with the idea. But a trauma therapist, I graduated from training, made me promise to write this book. His main Argument was: There are some reviews of prostitutes, and there are professionals who can speak from an expert’s perspective on Prostitution. But there is no one who writes from a double perspective: as victims, and as a psychotherapist. This has convinced me.
you Have not doubted whether you want a kidney so Expo with your story?
But, I asked myself again and again: am I Allowed to? I have it maybe? I’m a shame to my family? For years, I’ve written a lot down and deleted again. Finally, I wrote the book in the hope to enable a deeper understanding of Prostitution and to make it clear why it is under no circumstances in order that a Person is degraded to an object and released for use.
you have worked at the age of 22 to 24 years as a prostitute. How long did it take you to process this?
The memory of that time lives on in me as a memorial. It is, of course, that I’m not there came out alive again. The first liberation was my decision: “Never again, Sex for money!” I managed it for ten years, to talk about the experience – not even in the protected therapy framework. Than I could open in a group, and neither despised, was excluded, I experienced a second liberation. I’m not a dedicated, later on, my parents, my older daughter and my Boss to be vulnerable to blackmail. I learned with the time to talk about my past in a small circle. It was no longer taboo. And so, the third Opening, the step into the Public sphere. I have each of the 33 years used, in order to be ready for it. Today I am as stable as never before, but it breaks again every Time something of the old injury, when I combine myself with this theme, Expo.
Because you are speaking in public about things that do not belong in your eyes actually in the Public?
Yes, I’m naked, in a way, once again, to make it understandable why Prostitution is not a profession like any other. It makes me angry how the media reported on is. Often the Tenor is: as Long as the prostitutes do this work voluntarily and are well-insured, everything is fine. You can rate brothels online to cleanliness and number of Parking spaces; there is a seal of quality that distinguish the so-called precious brothels. This is a pseudo-normalisation of Prostitution leads to the fact that the suffering will be negated, or much more easily can be hidden. And so, people tend to forget how brutal it is, to use another’s body for their own sexual satisfaction, loveless, soulless, completely impersonal and interchangeable.
you exclude categorically that anyone engaged in voluntarily, or even like this work?
There are two ways to trivialize Prostitution and the Drama behind it from the neck – said it better: from the heart – to keep: The one is a prostitute to devalue as Sluts, hookers, whores, in short: as the inferior people; and the other culminates in the assumption that prostitutes are women who constantly want Sex and to also earn good money. The reality is quite different. The biggest part of it is forced prostitution, and relates to women who have been abducted by gangs and compelled to do so. They live like slaves, even if the told, of course, not her suitors so.
“not Every man feels that Sex for money is in order.”
It works but also women as prostitutes who were not forced to do so. A prominent example of Salomé Balthus, the for a long time had a column in the “world” and also in the Swiss television self-conscious about your work as a “noble prostitute” language is.
I know a woman Balthus personally. She likes what she says, so see. I’ve even sold the story that it was a sign of strength, non-conformism, emancipation, to receive, in the high boots and skimpy clothes men. I believed self to want what I did, because I already split off from my emotions, and my body perception. I no longer felt the injuries and wounds and still did not understand correctly, then what I did. I just saw that my Action was functional, because it brought in money and made sure that I was seen by my husband, from other men.
you Can generalize this personal experience?
I think the impact of media appearances such as that of a woman Balthus is very dangerous. You tell a glossy story, there is not so, at least on an emotional level. While on the Reeperbahn in Hamburg, all with a residual empathy to spare, see the misery, the Prostitution, the booze, the drugs, the empty faces, can prostitutes potential of Free of so-called Noble or Escort Girls relieve themselves through the Illusion, here it is a matter of women, the sell of pure Fun for your body. And young women see Bezahlsex as an attractive Option as a Lifestyle, with an artistic touch. Here, Prostitution is always with money-clad violence. If more money is in the game, is laminated to the violence. But violence it is, in any case.
How do you come to this categorical statement?
not Every man feels that Sex for money is fine – I know of no parents who would not be shocked if your child would draw as a professional in the recital. When I fundamentally was the first Time money accepted for Sex, wrong. In my Childhood I had to learn, feelings and Body sensations to hide. This took on a new Dimension: My Psyche split in the Wrong sense, as well as all the disgust and pain during the Prostitution experts call this dissociation. So I made myself suitable, but Experience completely separate from my internal.
part 2 of the interview will appear in a week at this point.
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The book: Anna Schreiber: the body seeking soul. Taotime-Verlag 2019.
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Created: 26.10.2019, 09:56 PM