A civil engineer can be just like his industrial brother in many sectors of industry courses, such as construction, the metal industry or the electrotechnical sector. They put their ideas into a design, and study and test how they can further develop. Geert Casteleyn (46) is a civil engineer at Melexis in Ieper, a multinational company in microchips. 1. What is your job in?

“Our microchips can be found in the sensors in your car, such as temperature or position sensors, but also in other applications such as consumer electronics, medical applications, or automated buildings. Our company do the design and test phase, an external partner to produce the chips. Each chip separately must be very stringent tests. So must be a motor, for example, can start at a temperature of 40 degrees below zero.

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“As Program Manager, I am primarily concerned with the implementation of ‘Smart Factories’, also called Industry 4.0 is called. Smart Factories is for everything related to automation, on the basis of new connected technologies. Goal is to make the work more efficient and more transparent manner. Many of those techniques we know from everyday life, such as smartphones and tablets. Other techniques come from the industry, such as collaborative robots (cobots, see picture) or automatically guided vehicles on the shop floor. Also for the operators, this provides advantages, they can better focus on the real work and get less to do with administration or repetitive tasks. My focus is therefore mainly on how we make our products to handle and fabricate. I watch over several optimization projects, and ensuring for consistency, set priorities and take decisions. This voice, of course, I regularly with both internal and external employees.”

2. You graduated first as an industrial engineer. Then, you have to study for civil engineer. Why this choice and what’s the big difference?

“Some of the things we learned during the training industrial engineer could still go deeper for me, I sat on my hunger. The study programme industrial engineering is more applied: you will learn to really box. The degree in civil engineering is theoretischer and more abstract. The love for mathematics is playing an even bigger role. You have more things to think up, design and refresh. For me, it works perfect. The big advantage is that I can easily switch between the two. But the border is sometimes thin, and your education does not say anything about what you later will do. A lot also depends on your attitude and the workplace where you end up.”

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