The technological and demographic trends will change the banking labour market. For the Bank employees, it will in the future, to keep himself fit for the employment market, the Association of employers of banks.

at the same time, the banks are to realize the full potential of older workers and the promotion of women to expand. In the centre of the efforts, the ability should be to move to a “dynamic labour market” and to adapt the said employer, the Bank President Lukas Gähwiler on Thursday in front of the media in Zurich.

The visibility in the Bank’s labour market today is the country similar to diffuse, such as the planning of the first Lunar Mission. “It needs a comprehensive competence change and a new education and training understanding, so that we the robot the work, but to remove it.”

search for qualified personnel is more difficult

The employers Association of the worry barometer survey and the increase in the average recruitment period showed that the banks had more and more difficulty to find qualified personnel with the required competences. In particular, in asset management, as well as in computer science the search for qualified employees design be difficult, it was said at the media conference.

The preservation of Employability is a shared responsibility: the employees of the banks would have their own skills and questioning, and constantly continue to make, said the Director of the Association, Balz Stückelberger. The banks would meanwhile offer structures around career talks, Competence development and targeted training courses promoted.

Start a campaign

Which of the Bank employees required skills include, for the employers ‘ Association both technology-related skills as well as skills such as creativity, initiative, analytical Thinking, stress tolerance, and flexibility. The Association wants to work together in the training now with the representatives of the workers. “We have agreed with the social partners on what the new skills are needed,” said Stückelberger.

In the current year employer banks want to start now with the Business Association and the Swiss Association of Bank employees an awareness-raising campaign, in which the necessary basic skills of the Bank employees “across the Board” will be tested.

Early retirement

To help banks in the future, the potential of older employees better could exploit, need it for both the employers as well as workers a rethink. Not least, the banks have to get away from the in the industry yet widespread, early retirements, said Gähwiler. To solve it, “restructuring through early retirements, is demographic nonsense.”

banks would have to their employees appropriate working time models, such as “arc careers” or “semi-retirement”. So the “oldest employees are not the most expensive would have to end,” said Gähwiler.

the chances of the employers ‘ Association also looks at employees – so there is the young Bank employees between 25 and 34 years, more women than men. While the industry Association woman rejects quotas, it is important for the banks to family-friendly working conditions, flexible working models, as well as targeted career development programs. In the coming years, the upcoming retirement wave will offer a Chance to occupy senior positions with women, said Gähwiler. (nag/sda)

Created: 10.01.2019, 17:20 PM