The weakening economy leads to less tax revenue. According to matching media to the Federal government are a lack of reports in the future, several billion euros to the budget. The Ministry of Finance rejected the suggestion.

The weakening economy snaps in the coming years, significant gaps in the Federal budget. The calculations of the Federal Ministry of Finance. This year alone, revenues dropped primarily due to lower-than-predicted tax of around five billion euros, said in a statement, Finance Minister, Olaf Scholz, the news Agency Reuters. Previously, the “image”newspaper had reported on Etatlücken in a total amount of € 25 billion by 2023.

in Addition, the Defence Ursula von der Leyen, need more money than planned. The Ministry of Finance indicates in the paper on other risks, such as the compromise on the Coal phase-out. In the calculation are already provided 500 million euros a year. A further 1.5 billion euros per year are needed to cover the costs that Germany incurred because of the breach of the climate conditions in the transport, buildings and agriculture.